The Fight

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Nightmare took the first hit at Flamey causing him to loose his health. The skeleton shot at Echo as she dodged. Bishir got up and swung at Nightmare. I guess it was me and the zombie. The zombie moved the skeleton's bow to shoot at me then grabbed his sword. I got my sword ready. He swung at me as I kicked at his feet and got back up. That's when things started to take a turn. Echo nodded at the skeleton then kicked at the Zombie. "OW" he yelled. Echo ran past us yelling orders at Bishir. Bishir quickly turned confused. Nightmare swung at him barely cutting him. Echo fell down and pulled Nightmare with her. "ECHO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Nightmare yelled frustrated. Echo sizzled then blew up around her. My eyes widened. Bishir looked extremely confused as well. Nightmare crawled out of the smoke coughing. Bishir took the adventange to land a swing at him. Nightmare tripped Bishir getting back up. He had bruises and his clothes were ragged from the explosion. The zombie took a swing at me. I hopped back then stabbed him in the stomach. He yelled as he pulled it out. I kicked him back then ran to the smoke. Echo stood up then pulled me to her. I was extremely confused. Nightmare had Bishir in a chokehold. Echo grabbed my sword then threw it near Nightmare. Nightmare's eyes widened in a bit of shock. Bishir managed to slip out. Echo grabbed Bishir's sword then hit him on the head. "Go idiot." she spat. "N-No I'm gonna kill you guys" he said proudly. Echo just stared at him. "Fine." he said walking to the mobs. "Summer" Echo said handing the sword to me. I paused right there. Did she want me to kill him right now? Even when the others were attacking us. Nightmare understood extremely quick. "Really..." he said putting the mask over his face. I glanced between him and Echo. "I see how it is" he said standing up. "Then go on do it" Echo spat at me. I just stood there frozen. I took a few steps foward then stopped. I couldn't even say anything. Just as I was about to swing someone slid underneath. It was Jk, he pulled the sword from me then pointed it at Echo. "THANK GOD" I yelled stumbling back. Nightmare lifted the mask in shock. Jk looked between all of us. "Oh wow mob on mob crime huh?" Echo asked. "You bet" Jk said with no shame. "You can't get away with it Echo he knows you tampered with the mask" the skeleton said, "Face it you betrayed us first". Echo looked in shock, everyone was against her now when she was so close. "You put two of my favorite people in an awkward position then tried to make them kill each other." Jk said seriously. He looked extremely angry at Echo like his trust had been broken. Nightmare sighed in relief. "And you guys were in on it?" Bishir asked the two. The zombie slowly nodded still on the floor. "I'm not sure about it but Flamey will kick you guys out" he said. "As for you" Jk said glancing back at Echo. "You have got to be kidding me. YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO KICK ME OUT?" she yelled. "YES BECAUSE YOU DON'T FUCKING DO THAT ECHO. AND TRYING TO CONVINCE US IS BULLSHIT" Jk yelled even more angry. I've never heard him yell before. "YOU REALLY THINK YOU'RE SAFER IN THE HANDS OF THAT ASSHOLE" Echo yelled pointing at Nightmare. "SAFIER THEN YOU. YOU MADE SUMMER HAVE A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK THEN MADE HER BELIEVE SHE WAS IN THE WRONG" Jk added, "I'D LIKE TO BELIEVE THAT NIGHTMARE WOULDN'T DO THAT". Echo looked in absolute disbelief, like she hoped it was a dream. "Fine but she fucked everything up" she said pointing at me. "Wow you said you loved her but the moment she doesn't do what you ask you turn on her" Nightmare spat. "CAUSE YOU WRRE ALWAYS IN THE WAY" Echo yelled. "IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT!" Nightmare yelled back. "GO ECHO" Jk yelled above them. Echo threw her sword then walked away. She grabbed the zombie by the shirt then dragged him with her. The skeleton paused then followed her. "And as for you fucking child, you should go as well." Jk said standing and pointing at Bishir. He was obviously still frustrated. "Fine" Bishir said walking to the mountain. I sat on the floor not knowing what just happened.

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora