The Chase Starts

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When I woke Jk was sitting on the couch. Blade had fallen asleep as well. I got up then went upstairs. I glanced through the doorway and saw that Nightmare was gone. I just sighed then walked back down. I felt really tired still but I went outside anyways. I walked up the mountain then rubbed my eyes. I heard a whistle from the side mountain then an explosion. My eyes widened as I quickly turned my head. A firework set off as the rocket shot straight past the dips in the mountains. "WHOO!" someone yelled. They were riding on top of the rocket sticking their tounge out at the peeson. I then saw Bishir and Flamey coming from the other side of the mountain. I was so confused. When they noticed me I started running down the mountain as well. The person riding the rocket eventually fell off and hit a water save. I noticed it was Nightmare. When I reached the swamp biome Bishir stopped. When I turned the barrier was protecting us again. Echo came from behind them. "What happened?" I asked. "HE FUCKING THREW DOG SHIT ON OUR LAWN WHILE ECHO WAS CHASING HIM" Bishir yelled. I let out a sound then stopped knowing they'd be mad. "I can go through the barrier though" Echo said. "NOPE" Nightmare yelled pulling me with him. Echo ran through what appeared to be a barrier to Bishir and Flamey. I was still extremely confused but I knew Bishir and Flamey would eventually get around the barrier. I eventually ran on my own at the same speed as Nightmare. If this wouldn't wake you up in the morning I don't know what will. I heard cheering from the back. Wolfie and Jk were standing on the roof watching us. I glanced at Echo and saw she was getting more angry. I ran faster then Nightmare then slid down the hill. I pulled myself into a cave underneath and hid in the dark. I saw a tnt explode as Nightmare boosted himself halfway up a mountain. Echo blew herself up and boosted herself to him. Nightmare ran along the side of the mountain and kept running. Bishir noticed the trick I did so he did the same while Flamey chased after Nightmare. He ran towards me as I ran to the side. I ran out of the cave then jumped into the lake. I placed down a magma block and created a boost through the water. I grabbed onto a branch then kept running on land. I reached the same grassland that Nightmare was running on. Bishir was still chasing after me but he was far behind. Nightmare took his advantage of his aimbot and through his axe behind him. The axe caught onto Echo's pant leg and ended up pulling her back. "OW" she yelled. She looked back and noticed Flamey coming behind her. She started sizzling then blew up around her to use as a boost for Flamey. Flamey read her mind and boosted himself towards Nightmare. Nightmare made a quick turn then ran in my direction. Flamey fell on his back then slid back into a dirt pile. He pulled me back into the direction we came from dodging Bishir. He shot another firework at Bishir's feet then continued running. We eventually made it back to the swamp biome out of breath. Nightmare flopped onto the ground exhausted. I laughed then shook my head. "You threw shit on their lawn?" I asked. Nightmare started laughing as well. "When I went outside Echo started chasing me so I stopped by Flamey's place and threw something useless I had" he explained. I laughed harder as I helped him up. We both went back into the house exhausted as fuck. I heard Wolfie laughing obnoxiously on the roof as Jk chuckled. Blade had joined them on the roof to see us running back. I had completely forgot about the hatred between Echo and Nightmare but that was a crazy almost hour.

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora