Fall of the Nether

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Over the past month we've been trying to rebuild again. I had been staying with Hela while Stacy let Ocean and the others stay at the village. There had been no sign of Day-Dream nor Nightmare since then. It had been pretty calm lately. I was setting up the door in the front when there was a small rumble in the ground. I stumbled around holding onto the door frame so I wouldn't fall. It finally stopped as I glanced around confused. I slowly turned to take a better look. A jolt went through the ground as the nether portals started crashing down. My eyes widened as I stepped off the porch glancing around. The portals to Electric Kingdom, Earth City, and Stacy's village started falling. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion but I didn't have much time to think. A patch of grass shot up letting out lava. More lava pools started appearing around the house and even further out. I finally collected my thoughts together assuming something was up with the nether. I run out ducking underneath the fallen portals. I slid into the one that led to the nether hearing the sudden silence. I made it to the other side falling onto the sandy texture. I glanced up then got up running out to the nether fortress. A wither skeleton ran past me on the stairs just running. I made it to the top looking out over the lava. Netherrack was falling off the top as well as small ledges and mountains. I felt the fortress shake as if it was dipping down. I quickly ran off it then turned to see what was wrong. One of the pillars in the lava started cracking. More mobs ran out of the fortress including a blaze carrying a magma slime. The fortress fell down more as chests starting sliding up and down the hallways. I decided to check-up on Daniel and Deima so I ran to their secret entrance. I went to go mine down the opening but a bunch of glowstone fell in front of it. The stone started shattering into glass shards. I ran back trying to avoid it as best I could. I found an opening and ran to the enterence. I hopped up glancing into the main room. The built chandelier was swinging around and the walls were falling down. "DEIMA?" I yelled running past the falling roof.  I dodged netherrack falling running through the halls to find them. I reached the end of one hallway breathing heavily. The enterence was opened leading out to pools of lava. More and more landscapes fell into the lava completely destroying the nether. I started to think what exactly was going on? Where was Iina? I ran out deciding to try and help people now. I ran along the edge dodging more falling netherrack. I made it to a Warped Forest running onto solid ground. I found a couple of piglins hiding under a tree. I ran to them pointing out the secret pathways. They quickly ran over avoiding falling objects. I glanced around seeing Endermen teleporting around in fear. I climbed to the top of the Warped Forest trying to get a better view of everything. I ran to the edge looking out to the big area of lava. There were 4 biomes in each corner of the area. What caught my eye was a flash of purple slowly going by. I took a glance at it trying to make out what it was. The small purple dot was flying up above the lava. It seemed like they were carrying something but I couldn't make out the details. Once they made it high enough they stopped. They gently dropped the thing in their arm right above the lava. I moved closer to the edge trying to see what it was. A person, female features, with a big hat, Iina. The forest started rumbling as well. I snapped back to reality when I almost fell off the edge. I held on hopping back to the middle of the biome. The ground started sliding to the bottom part crashing through trees. I slid down hitting the bottom of a tree. Out of instinct I held on to the tree for dear live. The ground completely slid into the bottom part hitting the wall. The impact pulled me from the tree as I slid through the blue grass. I hit the wall creating a sort of sand cloud. I started coughing like crazy too exhausted to get up. I just kept replaying what I recently saw, was that Iina falling? Then who dropped her in. I felt my arm being gently lifted up. I groaned slowly turning over to see what was going on. "C'mon Summer!" I heard a gently voice say, they sounded familiar. I opened my eyes noticing bright white hair. They picked me up floating me out of the debris. I coughed out dust wiping my face with my sleeve. "Where's Nightmare?" they asked me concerned. "I don't know." I said sternly picking my head up to see who it was. It was Deima carrying me over the lava. She just sighed clearly worried but determined to get me out of there. "Where's Daniel?" I asked. "He's getting people out of fortresses" she answered pretty quickly. "What exactly is going on? Why is the Nether falling?" I asked, questions running through my mind. "I'm not exactly sure..But the only thing I can think of, is Iina's dead." she answered finally.

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