His promise

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Bishir ran to Nightmare in no time. It looked like he didn't hesitate for a fight. Me and the other guy waited a bit before fighting. "And who are you?" I asked. "Flamey, and these are the people I gathered up" he responded. "Well Flamey, you really get on my nerves" I said. He lightly chuckled, "You too". He ran to me and our swords collided. I ducked under his sword then swung at him. He stepped back then pushed his sword against mine. I was at the ledge again. This was starting to seem like my last day. He kicked my stomach and I fell lower down. I landed on another piece of rock and didn't wanna fall more. He smiled at this, from then on I knew he was crueler then we thought. Bishir swung at Nightmare and Nightmare hopped back. He noticed me again and tried to think but Bishir swung at him again. He ran and pulled me up from the side. "NEVER WILL ONE OF MY FRIENDS DIE AGAIN" he yelled out. Flamey paused at these words. Before I could find my footing I couldn't feel Nightmare's hand anymore. Bishir had ran into Nightmare hitting him off the edge. I stood on the small standing space I had, just in shock. A paper fell from the sky. "Nightmare has fallen from a high place" it read. Bishir laughed reading the note as well. I kept reassuring myself that he would respawn, but I wasn't sure. I then noticed it was only me versus three men. I hopped up then ran between the space there was. Bishir grabbed me by the shirt and tried pulling me back. "Bishir let her go" Flamey said. He looked defeated even though nothing happened to them. He was sick, a sick and cruel person. Flamey turned and walked towards me. Bishir let me go. "Listen to me, I'll let you free now but know. We're gonna have a war soon" he told me. I was just in shock, all of the emotions I was feeling right now couldn't help me know how to feel about this moment. "Let's go" Flamey said leading Bishir and the other man away. "Oh and by the way, he'll respawn" Flamey told me before dissappearing with his group. This gave me a little bit of relief, but I was still terrified. I didn't want him to die. I thought about that then realized. I ran down the mountain with the little bit of strength I had left.

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