The only one That Can Help

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I woke up the next morning. I kissed Nightmare on the head then got up. I had one last day before I had to do something in the real world. I spent most of the day with Nightmare before shifting back. I got ready then went downstairs. "You're going like that?" my dad asked. "Yeah..." I said. "Alright..." he said. I put my platforms on then followed my dad out. When we got there it was just a fancy bar place. I knew I was gonna be bored here. I just sat at the edge while my dad and his coworkers talked. I glanced around listening to all of the conversations. A girl turned the corner then placed her glass down. "Refill please" she said blandly. I became terrfied when I realized her voice sounded familiar. I glanced at her. She had dyed white hair and hazel eyes. The person refilled her glass then walked away. "Thanks idiot" she mumbled then walked to my left. She leaned against the wall just looking out as well. I thought about where I've heard her before. Then it clicked. "Echo?!" I asked. She spit out her drink then stared at me with wide eyes. We just glared at each other for a moment. It seemed like she recognized me as well. She placed her glass down then ran into the hallway. I got up then ran after her. She opened the big exit door and struggled a bit. I caught up to her and went to grab her arm. Someone ran into me from the side. I fell hitting my head. "OW!" I yelled. The person who ran into me started laughing. Echo hit him over the head. "Skelly fuck off" she said helping me up. "Skelly huh?" I asked holding my head. "Summer I'm guessing" Echo mumbled. I nodded slightly, I glanced at Skelly. He had pink dyed hair. He was obviously drunk. "Hey" Echo said crossing her arms. "Hi" I said. "Didn't think you could shift" I said chuckling. "Yeah.." she said awkwardly. "Do you wanna ice your head?" she asked. "Yeah-" I said moving my head. There was blood, it was a small cut but it was bleeding a lot. We went back inside and wrapped my head. She asked for an ice pack then handed it to me. "Thanks" I said. "No problem" she responded. "So we're not killing each other right now" I joked. "Can't kill you in real life, plus this idiots drunk" Echo said. I laughed gently. My head hurt like hell but I ignored it. "How are you here?" Echo asked. "My dad works at this company" I responded holding the ice pack on my head. We talked for a bit and laughed. She wouldn't answer me why she was here but she seemed relieved I was here. It was eventually time to go home. It was around 1am and I was exhausted. My dad was shocked to see what happened to my head. Echo explained what happened and he understood. He agreed to give them a ride home since Skelly was drunk. He had Skelly sit in the frontseat and he trusted Echo to sit back with me. Skelly ended up passing out the moment he got into the car. "So what do you do in real life?" I asked Echo. She just shrugged then stood quiet. "Nothing much" she eventually responded. I just nodded slightly. When we got to Echo's house she helped Skelly out. My dad got back into the car and shut the door. Echo glanced at me. "New people are coming to the world don't trust any, please stop Ivy" she said to me before walking off. My eyes widened at those words, new people were coming? I quickly got into the car then shut the door.

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