Mask Tech

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I walked back from the woods sighing. I just picked leaves and such out my hair still confused as to what happened. The sun slowly came up as I reached our lawn. Ocean swung the door open running out. "Where have you been?" he asked frowning. "I was just out buddy" I said walking to him. "You were gone all night!" he exclaimed looking up at me. I kneeled down to his level patting his head. "I couldn't sleep, I'm fine now though" I said giving him a reassuring smile. "Are you well rested?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked noticing he was dressed to go out. "Stacy sent us a letter, she said to come to the village" he answered handing me the letter. I gently took the letter then unfolded it. "Hey Summer! I'm not sure if you guys are busy or just bummed from everything going on but I'd really enjoy if you'd come to the village to join my adventure to Electric Kingdom. Hela has given me the clear to head out and maybe declare my ruling" it read. I just sighed glancing back at the portal. "How does she expect us to get over there.." I mumbled under my breath. "We walk!" Ocean exclaimed smiling. I just chuckled shaking my head. "We're not walking all the way over there Ocean-" I said. "Why not? We have a lot of time on our hands and you have to get out the house!" he said pushing me up to my feet. I just stumbled then stood up. "Pleassee" he whined tugging my sleeve. "Fine" I said sighing. I was dreading the walk but maybe it would be fine. We started the walk just talking about random things. We soon reached the snow biome stepping down to the pond. I glanced around seeing Hela and Iina's cabin. I just shivered as flashbacks of what happened came back to me. I glanced ahead trying not to think about it as much. The walk was really dreadful but we soon enough made it. I walked through the mountains following the path to the village. I glanced around spotting Addax's trailer. "It looks pretty deserted" Ocean said frowning. I just nodded slightly trying to look for a sign of anyone. "Hey how bout you wait by the fireplace and I'll go look for Stacy" I said dropping to his level. "Okay!" he exclaimed running to the log chairs. I stood back up sighing deeply. I walked into the village looking around. I went to Stacy's cabin walking up the stairs. I knocked really hoping for an answer. The door surprisingly swung open quickly. Stacy rolled over on a chair lifting her mask up. "Oh hi Summer!" she exclaimed smiling. "Hey, Ocean shoeed me the letter you sent?" I asked handing her the envelope. "Oh yeah! So are you up going to Electric Kingdom with me?" she asked taking the envelope. "Mhm, I'd want to check up on Ella and the Kingdom in general. Maybe you as leader could bring Toliya bsck" I blurted out thinking back at it all. She just paused at the mention of Toliya's name but nodded. "Right now I'm trying to look into the masks' technology" she said rolling back to her desk. I walked in closing the door behind me. "When Noah...passed. They lent us his mask and I decided to look into it" she said setting a screwdriver on the table. I walked over looking at the mask. "This tech is fully brain transmission but there isn't much, it's like they're all purely Hela's magic but it has to choose a person itself if that makes sense" she explained. "Yeah yeah" I said nodding along. "What Hela has done is truely amazing despite how much of a bitch she is" Stacy said sternly her tone of voice becoming more violent. I just stood silent a bit scared of her now. She noticed glancing back at me. "Sorry for my language it's just the thought of Hela makes me wanna strike her down with lightning" she said huffing. "No you don't have to apologize, I'm pretty frustrated with Hela myself." I said reassuring her. "Well lets go now before it gets dark" she said getting up. She grabbed her coat then opened the door. I followed her out as we both walked back to the campfire. Ocean glanced up running to us. "Hi Stacy!" he exclaimed smiling. Stacy chuckled hugging him. "Hello little one!" she exclaimed. "Wait how are we gonna go over without Maylene? Cause y'know last time she kinda betrayed us" I asked. "Oh Echo built a bridge instead so anyone can cross" she explained. "Convenient" I said nodding. We finished packing up then started to head out.

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