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Deima looked through her bag then handed him a bottle. "Here! It's potion of healing" she said. "Uh huh" Nightmare said zoning out, then shaking his head and drinking the potion. "Oh god" I said face palming. "I mean she seems nice" Jk said noticing my reaction. Deima noticed us then stood up. "Hello! You guys must be traveling in a group then" she exclaimed joyfully. "Mhm" I responded. "Well I'm Deima, I'm one of the well known ghasts around here" she explained to us. "I'm usually with a wither skeleton, Daniel. But I don't really know where he is right now" she added. "He usually switches nether fortressess but I'll probably see him again!" she said helping Nightmare up. "Uh huh" Nightmare said as if he were laying on cotton candy clouds. "So you're not gonna attack us??" I asked. "Oh god no! I like to help people and you guys seem nice!" she said with a smile. "Uh huh" Nightmare repeated. I slapped him on the arm. "OW" he yelled out dramatically. "So what are you guys doing today?" Deima asked. "Mining for blackstone, we're kinda building a kingdom" Nightmare said showing off his sword. "Well more like I'm building it" he added. Me and Jk glared at him. He noticed then stood up straight. "Do you guys want help?" she asked. "Yeah sure we can then carry loads of blackstone back" Jk responded. "Alright then!" Deima exclaimed. We mined blackstone for HOURS. I was getting sick of seeing black. Once we finished, Deima went with us to the nether portal. "It was nice hanging out with you guys!" she said handing Jk the blackstone she collected. "Yeah of course! I guess we'll see you next time we come" Jk said before being interrupted. "Would you like to come to the overworld with us?!" Nightmare yelled out. "What?" Deima asked a bit shocked. Jk finally face palmed, I chuckled at him. "If you want you can come to the overworld with us- I can make a place that seems like the nether if you want" he explained hopeful. "Well I can't leave Daniel!" Deima exclaimed. "Then bring him too I don't care, we need more people anyways" Nightmare responded. "Well...okay! I give out my two weeks notice" she joked. Nightmare laughed kind of obnoxiously at the joke. "Well we oughta be going" I said pulling Nightmare to the portal. "Bye Deima!" Jk said following us. "Bye!" she said waving to us. We all went into the portal. When we ended up back to the overworld Jk dropped all the blackstone. "There's a difference between heavy, and what's gonna kill me-" Jk said. I laughed.

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