She's on a death mission

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For the next few weeks we've been checking up on Ocean. Nothing really intresting had happened, we continued our work, and Flamey hasn't bothered us. I still don't know if Lenny died or if he ie on his own now. After hearing what Flamey explained I didn't really care about him. We've all been traveling back and forth from the real and fake world trying to figure things out. "SUMMER" someone yelled. "A-" I muttered falling off couch. "What the fuck" Blade said. "LET ME SLEEP" Echo yelled. "Just go back to sleep Echo-" I said. Nightmare ran down the stairs then turned. "I called you" he said. "Yeah we all heard" Blade said. "I found out we can bring things from the real world here" Nightmare said. "Really?!" I asked. "SO COME UPSTAIRS" he yelled running back up. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" Echo yelled. I patted Echo on the head then went upstairs. "I present to you..." Nightmare said suspensefully. "THIS" he yelled turning around. He held up a bunny outfit. "Out of all the things you could've brought you brought that" I said kind of disappointed. "Mhm" he said. "And now it's yours" he said handing it to me. "...No- No" I said slowly pushing it away. "Fine" he said putting it on his bed. "Anyways what have you been up to?" he asked. "Nothing much but I have been listening in on the Lenny incident" I responded. "Oh, what happened" he asked. I thought about what Flamey said for a moment. I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it. "Nothing much the same old" I muttered out. "Alright then" he said. I felt bad for lying. The next day I sat on the mountain. Flamey and the rest hadn't come out for the morning. I decided to break down the watch booth they made and keep the supplies. Just then Flamey walked out. He sat on the grass and just sat there. "Hi" someone said from behind. I turned and saw Echo. "You scared the shit out of me" I told her. "Haha" she said sitting next to me. "What's he been doing" she asked. "He just sat out now" I replied. Lenny walked out behind him. He was wrapped in bandages. My eyes widened. "Hey" he said. "Shut up" Flamey said playing with a stick. I figured they were going to start fighting again. I forced a yawn, "Y'know I'm kind of tired". "Then go to sleep" Echo said. "Well not here why don't we go back to the house" I said standing. "But I wanna watch" Echo whined. "They're probably gonna peacefully talk, it's been boring all morning" I said quickly. Echo put her finger up as a sign for me to be quiet. "Listen about the whole incident" Lenny started. "Echoo" I forcefully whined pulling her arm. "Summerr" she whined back sarcastically. I rolled my eyes then fell on the floor. "Weakling mortal" Echo said laughing. "I don't care what you have to say" Flamey said drawing something in the floor. "Okay bu-" Lenny was cut off. "Nothing you say is gonna justify what you did you're leaving once you're healed" Flamey told him. "Okay what if I explained it to you" Lenny said trying to convince him. "No, you're a psycho" he said. "A psycho?" Echo asked. "Echo come on we really don't need to hear this" I said finally picking her up. "Wait" Echo said watching them still. "This dissusion is over" Flamey said getting up. "Wait bu-" Lenny was cut off again. "Get over it you're being kicked out for almost killing her." Bishir said in the background. Echo just stood there. I hit my leg multiple times then picked my head up. Echo turned to me. "Uhm" I said still holding onto her shirt. She pulled away from me then started climbing down the mountain. "Echo no-" I said following her. She made it down and walked towards them. "ECHO" I yelled barely catching up with her. Flamey looked behind Lenny then paused. Lenny turned confused. Echo punched Lenny causing him to fall. "OW" he yelled. Flamey stepped back then laughed. "I'M ALREADY INJURED ENOUGH" he yelled stepping back from Echo. "YOU THINK I GIVE A SHIT?" Echo asked sizzling. "Shit" Flamey said running back under the roof. An explosion sounded covering the area in smoke. I clasped my hand over my mouth in shock. Bishir laughed as well. "Uh-" I said. "Sorry for what happened anyways Summer" Flamey said glancing at me. "This totally makes up for it though" Bishir said trying to see through the smoke. The smoke cleared up more. Echo was standing in the same place unaffected from the explosion. Lenny layed in a hole in front of her. If he wasn't dead before he was clearly dead now.

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