An Untrusting Stray

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I woke up on the couch. I put my hands behind my head bored. Blade was sleeping on the oppisite couch. I got up and went upstairs. I went to the roof not knowing what to do. Jk was already awake. "Oh hey" I said standing next to him. "Hi Summer" he said turning his head. "You usually wake up early?" I asked sitting down. "Yeah, can't be asleep forever" he said chuckling. I just laughed then rested my head. "How have things been with you?" he asked. I just shrugged. "I kind of like my real life" he said. "I perfer this one" I muttered. "Well that's alright" he said, "I'm glad we beat the world though". I just nodded. Just then I heard the grass rustling faintly. Someone was walking in from the left. I figured Jk heard it too because his ear shot up quickly. I walked over and looked over the edge. I looked down but my eyes widened when I realized I had to look at normal level. I raised my head up and found myself face to face with the girl from before. "Hey, nice little place you got here" she said tilting her head. I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say. "Now that's something you don't see everyday" Jk said. I stood up straight then cleared my throat. "Uhm hi-" I said shortly waving. "Hello" she said plainly. "I'm not going to attack you by the way, after seeing you ran instead of fighting back I felt generous" she added. "Thanks" I blurted out still not knowing what to say. "Have you seen someone named Zira?" she asked. "No, what does she look like?" I asked. "She takes the form of an ocelot" she said. "Takes the form?" Jk asked standing next to me. "We're cat mobs, I'm a Lynx cat she's an ocelot" she answered. "The only ocelot I've seen is.." I paused. "Sponge?" Jk asked as if he read my mind. I walked down to the second floor. "Sponge" I said slightly whispering. She nudged the door open then walked to me. I picked her up then went back to the roof. I set her down and she just looked up at me. She turned her head then noticed Lynx. She just blinked then turned her head down. She stood on her hind legs then morphed into a person. "This is oddly not the weirdest thing we've witnessed here" Jk said slightly nodding. "So Lynx found me!" what used to be Sponge exclaimed. She wasn't even almost as tall as Lynx. "Hi Zira" Lynx said. After a long while of trying to convince Zira to come with Lynx she finalized on no. "I really like these people and I want to stay here, I can help them and they've beat the world to bring me back I owe them" she told Lynx. "Fine, I'll be leqving though. I'll check up on you though" they said leaning back. "Mkay! Say hi to Zona for me" she exclaimed. Zona? Zona, Zira, and Lynx, an interesting group. Lynx eventually left and Zira transformed back to Sponge. Today was an odd day.

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