I'm sick of this shit

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Later on I went to Hela for help. She used a potion of healing to help and checked for any damage. Eventually she let me go back home. When I got back the only person downstairs was Ocean. "Oh, where's everyone else?" I asked. "Nightmare went to "Stacy's" and everyone else shifted or is doing something else. Is he cheating on you?" Ocean asked. "No Ocean" I said chuckling. He just glared at me not buying it. "Do you wanna come meet Stacy?" I asked him. "Hmm, if Nightmare's not secretly doing white sticky kool-aid with her then yes" he responded putting a thumbs up. I just sighed trying not to laugh. We went to the nether making it to the portal. When we got through all I saw was fire in front of the portal. Ocean just started at the fire deciding if he should touch it. I glanced up and saw Nightmare sitting on the floor. Noah, Stacy, and Addax took cover on top of the house. "I leave you guys alone for 2 seconds" I said walking around the fire. "Technically, it wasn't fwo seconds you act-" Noah started before Stacy cut him off. "That's not the point" she said trying to get down safely. Addax stood still on top of the house. "What the fuck happened" I said laughing, helping Nightmare up. Noah got down trying to put the fire out. "Well since he unlocked his power we were trying to help but yeah" Stacy said getting down. Noah placed down a water bucket flooding under us. Nightmare randomly disappeared for a moment. We all just glanced at the spot he was standing in before. He came back stepping back from the water. "THE FUCK?" he yelled confused. "Ay, este chico es más complicado que encontrar a chicas c-" Noah was cut off. "Noah Noah, no- There's kids here" Stacy said. "This is confusing though" I responded understanding what Noah said. Most of the fire was put out. Nightmare stepped over the chair shaking the water out of his shirt. "What d-" I was cut off by a sound. It sounded like gravel being chewed. I turned glancing at where it was coming from. The particals of the portal started spinning out of control. The same thing happened when Noah went through the portal. I pulled Ocean to me moving him away from the portal's sight. Someone came through the portal blasting a gust of wind. The ash traveled starting more fires. It felt like the wind went in reverse pushing me back. Addax tried holding onto the brick tile but ended up falling off the house. He was pushed by the portal as the person grabbed me. Once the wind stopped Noah glanced up. All I remember was Noah and Nightmare running to the portal then silence. The feel of reality breaking came over me. We were pulled through the portal. We got through but everything was still blacked out for me.

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