A Day In The Real World

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I woke up in the real world. I decided to actually spend a day here again. I served my grandpa breakfast then went outside. It was before 1pm so I couldn't contact anyone. I let my parents know I went out and that I would be back before lunch. I decided to take a walk around the community. I eventually reached the section 1 clubhouse and just sat on the grass. I felt like playing something but the sports court was all the way in section 3. I was just watching the road as the cars drove by. I saw a suspicious white van drive by. It had a science logo on the back of it. They looked like they were lost. I watched it drive near the mailboxes. I saw someone get out from the front. They had a bathing suit on and they pulled a floatie out the back. They went to the pool. I felt more suspicious especially after shifting worlds. I walked to the pool as well and sat at a lawn chair set. There was a magazine left on the table so I decided to read it to not look suspicious myself. I ended up spacing out for a while. Soon enough there was a yell. I quickly turned my head. "OW WHO THE" someone yelled picking their leg up. The yell seemed to turn a lot of heads. The person who came out of the van came up from the water. They leaned against the wall looking at the person who yelled. They had a needle like object in their hand. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion. After a while the person left to their van. I just hung my head down. I turned on my phone and saw it was almost 2. I decided to head back. I eventually made it home and I was exhausted. My legs hurt and I was out of breath. It was 2:13 and my grandpa told me he was hungry. I made him lunch then flopped down on the couch. I ended up falling back to sleep in exhaustion.

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