Time City

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The next morning was pretty some-what normal. I woke up next to Nightmare not really wanting to get up. Both Iina and Day-Dream stood in Harly's room since they were sort of a couple now? I wasn't too sure about their situation. I layed down for a few more minutes before getting up. I could hear Nightmare moving but I wasn't gonna bother him. I walked downstairs seeing Ocean, Iina, and Day-Dream. "Summer! Look what Iina gave me" he exclaimed running over to me. I glanced at it as my eyes widened a bit. "A mask?" I asked glaring over to Iina. "We found a water mask during our time in hiding. The holder had been killed so I decided to give it to Ocean" she explained gently. "Don't you think he's too young to hold this power?" I asked. "He's almost 10 Summer, besides it's not like he can unlock the power anytime soon. All it enhances is his physical strength. And besides, we might need another water mask once Maylene is out of the game" she said smiling. "Look how cool it is" Ocean said putting it on his face. He play fought the air doing spins and kicks. "Well it does look cool, but I have to go" I said getting up. "Where are you going?" Iina asked watching me walk around the couch. "Noah came back to the world. I'm guessing he paid a visit to Historia, he's taking us to Time City" I said getting a piece of bread. "There's a Time City??" Iina asked confused. "Yeaahh, I was a bit shocked too. Have you or Hela ever heard of it?" I asked tilting my head. "I've never heard of it. If Hela did know of simply it's existence she'd never tell me unless sending me on a mission there" she answered rubbing her chin. "We might be gone a couple of days will you guys be okay?" I asked glancing between the three of us. "I think so, it'd give some alone time" Iina said slighty smiling. "Hey. You two still have to take care of a child" I said sternly. "Hey I never agreed to that" Day-Dream said finally paying attention to the conversation. "Then what the fuck is Ocean gonna do?" I asked. "I don't care, he's not a baby. He'll manage" he answered shrugging. I just sighed walking back upstairs.
   After me and Nightmare got ready we finally headed out. We were greated by Echo at the front. We followed the coordinates that Noah gave us as he said he'd meet us there.
  It was way further then Electric Kingdom. I guess that's why not many people knew of it's existence. We climbed over the hill finally reaching the city. It was way bigger then Gem Kingdom and Earth City combined. How they were able to conceal this place is beyond me. We climbed down the other side getting to a bricked path. We walked along the path trying to spot out Noah. We got some weird glances on the way, I'm guessing they could tell we weren't from there. How long has this city even been hidden for? We eventually reached a dock where Noah stood with two other people. I recognized one of them quickly due to a clock mask over their face. "Hi new dad" Nightmare said stopping next to him. Noah just shuttered a bit. "I'm never gonna get used to that." he said sternly. "Aren't you the person from Electric Kingdom?" I asked the person in the clock mask. "Yep, they're also a time mask. Their name is Clockworks" Noah answered. Clock just waved sort of awkwardly. "That's a pretty straight forward name for someone who can control time" Echo said chuckling to herself. "Why are you here?" Noah asked raising an eyebrow. "Becauuseee if anything goes wrong I can call in reinforcements" she replied rolling her eyes. "Well I'm sure nothing will go wrong, nobody from the outside is going to be finding this place." he said narrowing his eyes. "Well it'd be a shame if we were founded, then again maybe I'd get more business around here" the third person spoke. "And who's this?" I asked glancing at them. "Reliane, they're the third representation of the time mask. Fairly popular over here and owns a library. Along with Clock she's more powerful then me but can only rewind and fast forward. Never pause and resume" Noah explained. "So you mean to tell me you can literally only do one action each day but these two can do it whenever?" Echo asked. "Don't mock me for it. I was never properly trained" he answered sternly. Echo let out a small laugh clearly pissing off Noah. "Okay, surrree" she said smiling. "These people are already fun! And I see you also own a mask. What do you represent?" Reliane asked, focusing on Nightmare now. "I have literally no idea" Nightmare answered frowning a bit. "Yes Nightmare's powers are a bit..unique. No other mask was able to figure it out and he's the only one of his kind" Noah explained. "We thought you were the only time mask and Maylene also represents water masks by herself" Echo said tilting her head. "Well I think the water mask thing just changed today" I said butting into the conversation. "Well I'm gonna go, I'm already bored" Clock said walking off. I just narrowed my eyebrows watching them walk off. "Well I have some business to attend to, but Reliane will show you three to a hotel room. Much like the deal with Electric Kingdom except we're not wanted criminals." Noah explained. "For once we're not criminals in a new city" Nightmare said sighing. "Why not? Laws are meant to be broken" Echo said smiling. "Please don't get yourselves into to trouble. And Reliane I'm begging you to not encourage their behavior if they do get in trouble" Noah said glaring at her. "I'm not that immature Noah. It makes me sad you think I woukd break a law with teenagers!" she exclaimed frowning. "I'm literally in my 20s" Echo said raising an eyebrow. "You are? Wow you look so young" Reliane said a bit shocked. "Now I really have to go. Good-bye you four, I hope you enjoy your stay while I'm gone" Noah said walking off as well.
   "Well you three! I think we're gonna have a lot of fun" Reliane said smiling.

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