The New Gen Mask War (Part 2)

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The fight went on for a lot longer. Serena moved away from where I was so I wouldn't get caught in crossfire and no side was making any progress. I had no choice but to just sit there and watch.
A new series of motion caught the corner of my eye causing me to glance over. A woman was walking up to the fight, she looked familiar. She pulled a mask from her back placing it over her face. It got it's glow back showing shades of red, Toliya. She dashed forward as her and Jayne's swords collided. Reliane and Ella moved out the way in shock as well. "Fight fire with fire right?" Toliya asked setting her blade to fire. She blasted Jayne back swinging at her. Ella continued in the fight with them but Reliane stood still. She just glanced around still in shock and now confusion. By this point I spaced out unbothered. I had nothing much to do so why focus on the details? At this point all I focused on was not dying from my injuries. When noticing a pattern in this fight I just thought, was this war worth it? Each side looses something and if Maylene did win this cycle would have to continue. Too much was broken over something Hela made up so this started over nothing. Maybe Serena's mindset was correct all along. The battle caught my attention again when Anton's attack went past Nightmare and Noah. The ground grabbed onto Jayne's legs pulling her back from Toliya. Anton hopped back creating a wall in between the two teams. The wall pushed Noah and Nightmare back getting the groups back to normal. "Get on your fucking side" Maylene said blasting water at Aaron again. Aaron traveled back down through a lightning bolt clearly offended by Maylene's comment. "If you guys are losing this bad why not forfeit? You guys haven't beaten us in the past hour, I thought you'd have more potential" Anton offered shrugging. "No, why don't you forfeit." someone said as the wall was pulled down. Anton paused slowly turning towards the person. "Fuck this 'war', I'm not choosing sides. All I want is you dead" Dena said bringing spikes up to Anton's neck. Maylene just rolled her eyes groaning. "Someone get this little fucking kid off my battlefield" she said narrowing her eyes. "Your battlefield?" Jayne asked. Before that debate went on Nightmare teleported going to grab Dena. A spike came his throat causing him to pause. Dena glared at Nightmare turning to him. "I'm not getting off this god damn field till I finish what I came here for" she said sternly. The ground came up grabbing Nightmare's wrists as they pulled him back. The spike came down allowing Dena to follow Nightmare. "I'm putting a pause to this war real quick and I'm not letting anyone get me out of here until he's gone." she demanded pointing to Anton. The ground came up pulling Nightmare to a sitting position as Dena held him on their side of the wall. "I wouldn't wanna have to kill you" she said walking off. "Dena what the hell are you doing? If you want to join our side just ask" Anton said sort of praising himself. "DON'T FUCKING OFFER FOR ME TO JOIN YOU" she yelled, the ground coming up to corner Anton. His eyes widened as he tried to find an opening to run out. "I FUCKING HATE YOU FOR THIS! I DON'T GIVE A GOD DAMN SHIT IF YOU'RE MY BROTHER I'LL KILL YOU AND THAT MAYLENE BITCH WITH MY OWN HANDS" she yelled bringing a wall around Anton. He backed up against it, his face in complete shock now. "I'M GLAD NOAH AND NIGHTMARE COULDN'T BEAT YOU SO I CAN KILL YOU MYSELF" she continued to yell a smile coming to her face. I don't mean this in an insult but Dena had completely lost it. "I'm not going to fight you Dena." Anton said sternly, not trying to escape anymore. "Good, that'd make it easier for me to end you" she said getting in front of him. "You're not gonna kill me" he said laughing in a bit of amusement. Dena raised a spike stabbing him in the stomach. His eyes widened, all amusement fading from his face quick. "DENA" Jayne yelled running to her. A wall came up hitting Jayne off her feet. She hit the wall separating the group denting it a bit. Anton's blood dripped on the floor bringing a silence on the whole battlefield. Dena's smile widened as she stood ready to do the finishing blow. A second spike quickly came up aiming straight for Anton's head. The spike was stopped as my body became unable to move. Noah walked across the space reaching them quick. "That's enough" he said calmly, pulling Dena back from the scene. Tears came to her eyes as she attempted to protest against Noah. Time resumed as Dena started to kick and scream. "LET ME GO!" she yelled crying more. Spikes came up from the ground aiming carelessly at Noah. He just walked back unbothered, holding a better grip on her. "Let Nightmare go now" he demanded bringing her to their side. "NO!" she yelled bringing the ground up more. A spike came up at Nightmare almost stabbing him but it didn't go far enough. "Let him go" Noah repeated keeping a calm tone with her. She breathed heavily as tears continued to run down her cheek. She soon calmed down bringing all the spikes and the ground holding Nightmare to normal. The only spike that remained was the one impaling Anton. He glanced back reaching his arm out. "Maylene" he called out weakly. Maylene just kept her eyes closed a bit annoyed by the scene that just happened. "Please, help me" he begged as more blood came out. "Finish it Dena." Maylene demanded dead serious. Anton's eyes widened as tears quickly came. "What?!" he exclaimed concerned. "I said, finish it. You have no use for me anymore Anton" she said shrugging. He glanced around in a panic not sure if Dena would actually do it. She just smiled as the spike quickly came up to his head. It pierced him as his tears completely stopped. Noah stood in shock almost offended that Dena actually did it. "I told you I'd do it" she said aggressively pulling away from Noah. "I-" was all Noah could get out. She stopped at Noah's side clenching her fists. "Sorry Nightmare for hurting you, sorry Noah I guess" she mumbled walking off. Noah watched her walk away before staring back at Anton's body. Jayne sat there in shock glancing between Maylene and Anton. "Come Serena, we have no use for these pathetic assholes anymore. Jayne stay with them and your brother if you want I don't care" she said standing on the water seat. Serena nodded using the vines to get to Maylene. They soon disappeared into the woods leaving Jayne there. She just sat there before glancing back at the other group. It looked like she knew she had to go with Maylene because she destroyed all trust with us. She quickly stood up walking into the woods as well. "Well, that was such a fucking waste" Nightmare said a bit frustrated. With the battle in general and Dena's outburst the entire mood was even worse now. Aaron came up to me helping me up as everyone else walked away from the scene. All of the troops came back from their battle running after the woods as well. We all headed back to camp ending a long day.

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