A Problem Is Back

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Echo walked outside. She looked around the village then sighed. "My girlfriend is ever so dreamy" Skelly said mocking Echo. "Shut the fuck up skeleton" Echo said sternly. "Hmph" he said. A whistle came from the side. Skelly threw his bow catching the arrow into the hole. Echo smiled then glanced to the side. The person tried to run. An enderman teleported in front of them stopping them. They stumbled back glancing around. "Who are you" Echo asked walking to them. "You don't remember an old friend?" they asked. They slowly turned smiling. It was Lenny. Echo's eyes widened in shock. "How's Summer?" Lenny asked smiling. "I fucking hate you" Echo muttered under her breath. "You never answered my question" he said. "You keeo her fucking name out your mouth." she responded frustrated. "You and Nightmare seem like her protectors or something, is she a child?" Lenny asked. "You'd like that more wouldn't you." Echo said. "Don't ever compare me to Nightmare" she added. "Ohh I see" he said smiling. "There is one thing me and him have in common and that's hating you though" she said. "Then I can compare you guys" he said messing with her. She just glared at him. "Who the hell is this?" Skelly asked. "An asshole" Echo responded looking him up and down. "If you're wondering how I came back Im a player, a respawned. Nice place" Lenny said walking in like he owned the place. Echo rolled her eyes then pulled him back. He just let it happen. "Can you fucking leave" she said. He pulled his hood out of her hand. "Fine but, just don't go trying to make people kill each other again" he said. He ran knowing that pissed her off. "That's it" Echo said taking her accessories off. She dropped them on the floor then chased after him. Skelly and the enderman exchanged looks.

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