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I coughed out water and sat up. "Whoa-" Harly said kneeling back. "SUMMER" Nightmare yelled getting up. His legs gave out again and Blade had to sit him down. I quickly turned hoping it was a dream but saw the tower half fallen down. "Did you see the person's face??" Harly asked me. "STOP FU-" Nightmare was cut off. Blade reassured him and he stood quiet. "I saw them but now it's kind of a blur" I replied, "And I'm sorry about the land Nightmare". He nodded and still sat there. Harly helped me up and we all walked back. Nightmare was looking around shocked at all the damage. Wolfie limped over to us, "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS". "Sorry we had to help Summer and Nightmare" Harly responded. "Are you okay?" Blade asked. "Yeah yeah I'm fine my leg just hurts" they replied reassuring themselves. "Let's go to the medic house" Blade says guidng them to it. "I can't believe it" Nightmare said kind of sadly, as he picked up a piece of stone. "I think we should all get some rest for now" Harly said. "Mhm" Nightmare responded standing. Harly walked to the house until loud footsteps sounded. Harly stopped and glared over at us. Nightmare raised his sword ready just in case. I just stood there thinking that it may not be over yet. Two men ran to where we were then noticed all the damage. They looked not that much older then us. One of them stopped and breathed heavily. "J-Jk can we stop-" he puffed out, his breathing patterns were off. The man that went by "Jk" glared around at what happened. They then noticed us glaring back at them. The guy straightened his posture and cleared his throat. "We heard the explosions from far away" he explained to us. "Are you guys okay??" Jk asked. "We guess-" Harly answered kind of quickly. Nightmare was just staring at them as if he didnt trust them. "Well I guess we should introduce ourselves then! My name is Jka and this is Matthew" he said to break the ice. "Hi-" I responded. Jk chuckled awkwardly at the silence afterwards. "Do you work with the people who blew up our base?" Nightmare asked still skeptical about them. "Oh no, we're a duo we didn't know any other people were here until today." Jk responded. Nightmare just nodded. "Well if you guys want you can join our group- We currently have 5 people you can make it 7" I said taking a small step. Jk glanced at Matthew. Matthew shrugged then nodded "Okay". I smiled. Nightmare scoffed and walked inside. I could tell he was pissed about everything that had gone on today. "Well come in!" I said to them walking to where Harly is. We all walked to the house ending a long day.

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