Going exploring

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I woke up and layed there still. Nightmare hadn't come downstairs yet so I decided to go out. I put on my hat and walked outside. I went down the water way to the bottom of the mountain. I walked pretty far again but remembering the path back to the house. I reached a field seeing a bunch of animals. I kept walking ignoring them all. While I was getting down a tree I heard footsteps. I turned quickly and watched in the direction they were coming from. A girl jumped through a bush and kept running. "What is she running from?" I asked myself watching her run. Then I heard louder footprints as they were running faster. Another person jumped through the same bush chasing after the other girl. I ran after them pulling the other persom back. "WHAT THE HELL" the person screamed trying to cut me with their axe. I stood between the two having my sword raised. The girl behind me turned around and stood a far distance. They just sat on the floor staring at me. "Why are you trying to kill this girl for" I asked. "I dunno this world is kind of boring and I want to kill something" they responded standing up. The girl behind me looked in her pocket and pulled her tag out. "What's that?" the other person asked looking at her. "I don't know but it says Harly?" she said confused. "That's your nametag basically, so your name is Harly" I explained. The other person checked their pocket and pulled their tag out "I guess mine is Wolfie?". "I was going to go explore but I guess I can take you guys back to Nightmare's base" I said putting my sword away and opening the map he gave me. "Who's Nightmare?" Harly asked. "Someone else I met in this world" I said starting to walk. "Well I don't care I wanna commit arson" Wolfie said taking out a flint and steel. Harly grabbed their arm and dragged them. "Hmphh" they said putting the flint and steel back in their pocket. We made it back to Nightmare's house where he was standing outside. "Where'd you go??" he asked. Then he noticed Harly and Wolfie. "I found two new people, and I just went out relax" I said standing beside him. "Oh well that's good, now we have better chances of beating the dragon" Nightmare said standing up straight. "The what?" Harly asked. "I'll explain later but you can come in for now" Nightmare said. "Well while you do that I'mma actually go out" I say walked back towards the water way. Wolfie watched me walk away then walked inside with Nightmare.

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