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    The next morning I got up to check on the others. I gently walked into the room in case someone wasn't awake. "Hello Summer!" Reliane exclaimed whispering. "Hi" I whispered closing the door behind me. "She's still not awake" Noah said sighing. "I guess Maylene knocked her out good" I said crossing my arms. "Never knew water could be that powerful" Reliane added shaking her head. "Maybe it's for the better, who knows if when she wakes up she wouldn't try to kill us?" I asked sitting next to Reliane. "If anything Noah could use timestop and try to convince her in 15 seconds!" Reliane joked smiling. "What even urged you to save her Noah?" I asked glancing at him. "I'm not sure, I guess from our relationship before the Board of Order. She was completely blinded by Hela's cause of 'order', and I tried to stop that in the first mask war. So in a way I'm kind of relieved Maylene started this so we can end it for good" Noah answered. "So Hela making Aaron believe in the correct order of the world is kind of similar to the manipulation she used in Iina's idea of protocol?" I asked. "Precisely yes" Noah answered nodding. "Man there's something new on the list everyday with Hela" I said sighing. "She did something similar to Addax when we were teens. She made him believe that if he kept his mouth shut he could live in eternal peace and power. Luckily Noah came along and deciphered everything she had done" Stacy explained smiling. "It was only because she had done the same to Lenards, don't praise me for it." Noah said sternly. "Oh you're the same stubborn man Noah" Stacy teased leaning against him. Tiny zap noises started to stur my focus to Aaron. Her eyes were slowly turning purple as electricity sparked between her fingers. "Uhh Noah? I think you may have to use timestop afterall" I said pointing to Aaron. Noah got up stepping to her side. "Where am I." Aaron asked sternly. "Do you remember anything that happened?" Noah asked gently. "Where's Maylene? Have you killed her??" Aaron continued to ask glancing around. "Oh honey Maylene is somehow difficult to kill" Reliane said checking out her nails. Noah just glared at her before glancing back to Aaron. She sighed deeply before merging into a lightning bolt and swinging at Noah. He quickly hopped back using timestop. The lightning faded around her as she stood in the air. "See I was right" Reliane said rolling her eyes. "Aaron you don't have to kill me, you don't have to do anything. We're not going to harm you even if you attack so all I'm urging you to do is listen. You can go back to Maylene if you prefer or take a moment to listen to me for once" Noah quickly explained keeping a distance between them. She just sighed as time quickly resumed. She landed on her feet as all lightning vanished. "Fine, you 4 have 30 minutes to convince me." she said crossing her arms. "You act so immature" Noah said shaking his head.
    We moved downstairs to speak at the dining table. Iina created a solution in forcing Day-Dream to do meditation while we spoke. "It's too early for this" Nightmare said groaning, sitting on the opposite couch from them. "Do you remember what happened in the fight of Gem Kingdom at all?" Noah asked Aaron, starting the discussion. "Yes.. I remember fighting that girl, she kept throwing knives at me. I was injured a bit but then the rest of your group walked in so I went to the roof. And then.." Aaron slowly trailed off. I sat next to Nightmare just listening in sort of interested. "Do you remember what happened after?" Noah asked. "M-Maylene.. She betrayed me" Aaron mumbled in shock. "Loser" Day-Dream blurted out smiling. I just glanced at him shaking my head in disappointment. Iina glared at him then aggressively fixed his posture. He just chuckled proudly, opening one eye. "Is there anyway we can just get rid of him?" Noah asked pointing at Day-Dream. "I'm meditating not deaf." he said sternly. "If you were meditating you'd be quiet" Iina whispered harshly. He just smiled in pride again fixing his pose. Noah just sighed but pushed himself to continue. "Are you alright?" he asked noticing Aaron's shock. "Well, that's that" Aaron said going to get up. "Wha- Where are you going??" Noah asked confused. "I have nothing now. I lost my kingdom, I lost my army, I lost two people that trusted me most, and now I lost my own team. I trusted Maylene for too long, I'll be going back to Order thank you very much." she said glaring at Noah. "C'mon Aaron, Order doesn't fucking exist" Noah said frustrated. "You take that back." she said sternly, lightning zapping between her fingers. "Order was just a dumb concept made up by the creator of this world. How can you not see that? It literally has the stupidest fucking name. She's already done this to her own sister with "protocol". She's done it to Lenards and Addax and now a second war has started because of this "order". Something that doesn't even exist" Noah explained. "There is a certain procedure that order demands and if you fail to see that then stay out of my way. Stay out of my Kingdom" she said pointing at Stacy. Noah just sighed sitting back down in defeat. "Are you just going to give up like that? Without a fight?" Aaron asked a bit offended. "If you cared about 'order' more you would've left already" Noah answered glancing at her. "I do care more about it, I just find it insulting you gave up so quickly Noah" she said crossing her arms. "Quit acting like a child Aaron and just admit what you actually want. You've been isolated for almost 23 years" he demanded a bit annoyed. She just sighed unable to answer or walk away. "You could get revenge on Maylene" Reliane added smiling. Aaron chuckled a bit finally nodding. "I do like the sound of revenge" she said turning her head towards them. "Then join our side, we can bring Toliya back and be exactly like old Electric Kingdom." Noah said standing again. "You never failed to disappoint me" she replied shaking his hand. "UGH, FINALLY" Reliane yelled leaning back in her chair. I sighed in relief, glad Aaron didn't attempt to kill us again. "Can you guys get her out of here now?! I don't wanna pretend to meditate anymore" Day-Dream said angry. "Consider us gone cumrag, I don't want to be in a house with you anymore." Noah said giving him a glare. Day-Dream's eye just twitched in frustration, you could tell he was planning Noah's death. "You're not killing my new dad cumrag" Nightmare said getting up. "MY NAME IS NOT CUMRAG" he yelled hitting his hand on the floor. "Calm down." Iina demanded messing with his hair. Nightmare brought the group to the door as they said their good-byes outside. "Finally some peace and quiet for today. Until we have to fight in this god forsaken war again" I said groaning. "Don't think I'm gonna go helping you guys in the war just because I was forced to get along with Nightbitch. I'm only fighting if Iina fights" Day-Dream said crossing his arms. Iina just chuckled leaning Day-Dream's head back. "I'm fighting in this war tiger" Iina answered smiling. "Then I'll fight beside you" he said closing his eyes. "Y'know I'm usually into these couple things but right now I wish I weren't here" I said shaking my head. He just glared at me frustrated, I'm guessing he was planning my murder as well.

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