Dead or Alive

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I just sat on the grass eyes wide. All nether portals crashed into each other just as we got out. The nether seemed completely gone. I just breathed heavily exhaustion starting to hit me. It sounded awfully peaceful for what just happened. I slowly glanced over remembering Day-Dream was still near me. He was a few feet from me sitting on his knees. He held a dying Iina in his arms just staring at her. I glanced down at Iina noticing her face turn pale slowly. A tear hit her face from above, Day-Dream was crying. Unfortunately he did have emotions. I crawled over to check if Iina was dead or not. I went to go put my finger against her neck to check her pulse. Day-Dream quickly hit my finger away. "I'm checking her pulse.." I said gently reassuring him. He calmed down moving his hand away. I checked her pulse pausing a bit, dead. "What's a pulse?" he randomly asked out of no where. "How do you not know what someone's pulse is?" I asked glancing up at him. "I dunno" he replied shrugging. I just sighed trying to keep my calm with him. "Someone's pulse determines if they're alive or not, if you feel it they're alive. If not they're dead" I answered. "Did you feel Iina's?" he asked hopeful. I just paused afraid to tell him the answer. "Did you?" he repeated wanting an answer now. I had the words ready to say but nothing would come out. All I could manage to do was shake my head. I heard him let out a shaky breath as he hugged Iina closer. "I didn't know you guys were close" was all I managed to say. "She said she hates me.. I don't know how I feel about her" he mumbled. I just glanced down, the sorrow of her death finally hitting me. "Did you guys feel that rumbling?" I heard someone ask from behind us. I glanced back to see them, it was Echo. "Oh" she said trying to understand what was going on. "Iina's dead" I mumbled to her. "God's can't just die-" Echo said sitting down with us. "It was a fight with Hela" I answered. "I hope that Hela fucking died in the lava." Day-Dream said, violence coming to his tone of voice. "I don't wish death on people but.. We all do" I said nodding. "Can you guys just...leave?" he asked, I wasn't sure if he was trying to make that sound nice or purposely being rude. "Yeah sure" I said getting up. Echo glanced between us then finally got up as well. I led her in the now slightly destroyed redesign of our house. For someone that we got on the wrong foot of I really felt bad for Day-Dream. I couldn't help but tear up finally accepting Iina's dead. Echo just put an arm around me in an attempt of comfort.

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