An Attempt To Meet In Real Life

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In the morning I said my goodbyes to Shadow and Aether. I found out that they were siblings as well. So it was Shadow, Aether, Flamey, and Nightmare. But they said they had one more sibling. I paused but then turned to Shadow. "Can we shift again-" I asked her. "Really?" she asked. I nodded slightly. "Alright then" she said holding my arm, Everything went black again as we shifted. I woke up and fell again. I probably had a bruised tailbone at this point. The thud didn't make so much noise though. Shadow got up and fixed her hair a bit. "Did you wanna meet my family?" she asked. I nodded, "I think I may know your brothers". "Alright then" she said taking a step. Just then the door swung open. It was reflex to hide so I went into the closet again. I made less noise this time making it less obvious. "Hello" Shadow said playing it off. "Our um, parents are coming over" the person said. I couldn't tell who it was. Shadow's eyes widened, she looked terrified about it. After the guy left she locked the door. "Get out of the closet" she said. "I'm coming out" I said hopping back up. She face palmed in disappointment. "Just stay in the room, I have to do something so I can't shift back" she explained. "They'll think I'm changing so they won't come into the room" she added. I nodded then just sat on the floor. I was already bored. I stared at the ceiling while she changed. She went on my blind side just in case. Felt a little odd but understandable. She walked out after changing and closed the door behind her. I took the rest of the time to look for something to do. I over obsessed over certain things in her room. I tried my best not to move too much around. I eventually just layed on the floor again bored. I heard commotion outside. I figured they were just being a family but it didn't sound to good. I tried listening in but after the yelling there was silence. I didn't hear anything else after. I layed back on the floor thinking about my gender. Just then the door slowly opened. I hid by the bed in case it was someone else. "Summer?" Shadow gently asked closing the door behind her. "Hi" I said waving. "I've never dreaded something more" she said sighing. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just my dad" she responded. It was silent for a bit. "Do you wanna shift back?" she asked. "Not really, somehow this is better then my normal life" I responded after thinking. "That's suprising" she said putting casual clothes on. I flopped back on the floor so I wouldn't look. We talked for a little bit about random things. She said she didn't want to talk about what happened and I respected that. We ended up staying up most of the night.

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