Can we ever catch a Break

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Bishir ran through the fire coughing, as if he'd been truamatized. Just then Jk ran through the fire and took a swing at him. Bishir rolled out the way out of breath from all the smoke. Nightmare ran out to see what had happened. I was just frozen there. "TARIG" Bishir yelled pushing himself back. Jk took another swing at him. Bishir blocked the swing with his sword but he was obviously weakened. The one named Tarig then came out the fire. He was fighting with Nightmare already. I questioned where Flamey was. Jk pulled Tarig back then went to swing at him. Bishir tried to pull Jk away but he barely budged. Nightmare stumbled back just watching them. He had burns from when he ran into the fire. It was all a blur but the doors closed at the front of the stairs. I stumbled off the top stair and just stood there. I opened them again and saw Echo. Someone else was fighting her but it was niether of the three. Flamey came up behind her and she started sizzling. "N-" before I could say anything she blew them up. Flamey slid back then noticed me. This was way too chaotic. The one attacking Echo swung at me. I blocked it with my sword then hopped over the dip in the dirt. I pushed them down the stairs then swung the door shut. Flamey threw his sword at me. Instead of dodging I just fell down, tired of all this. I remembered something then grabbed his sword and ran. He ran after me. "WHAT'RE DOING WITH MY SWORD" he yelled trying to catch up to me. I hopped over one of the waterways. I glanced and noticed Wolfie behind the wall. When he went to jump Wolfie threw a flint and steel at his head. "OW" he yelled falling into the waterway. I high fived Wolfie then pulled a lever. The water stopped and the floor underneath him pulled away. It was a trap Nightmare and Jk set up after the first attack. A piece of paper fell from the sky. "Flamey tried to swim in lava" it read. The paper fell into the hole and I laughed. Wolfie stuck their tounge out then laughed as well. I looked into the hole watching the paper burn up. I pulled the lever again closing the hole and starting the water again. Nightmare was watching us use the trap then ran over to us. Tarig was on his back trying to hit him. Bishir chased after him trying to get Tarig back. I pulled the lever again and Bishir fell in. Nightmare attempted to hop but held onto the ledge. Tarig slid down and held onto Nightmare's leg. "Oh no-" I said looking down. "Dumbass" Wolfie said. Nightmare threw his bag over the ledge then let go. "NO-" Tarig shrieked. Both pieces of papers fell from the sky. "That was pretty easy" Wolfie said. Jk walked towards us then noticed the pieces of paper. "That was easy-" I responded closing the lever.

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