A Traitor Among Us

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Echo made it back before morning. She put the mask back on the desk then ran out. She flopped onto the couch then smiled. In the morning I woke up. I glanced and saw Echo sleeping. I got up then wondered what I should do. I decided to check on Ocean and Ivy again. Nightmare walked downstairs. "Good morning" I said. "Oh hi, where are you going?" he asked. "Going to see the kids again" I responded. "Can I come with?" he asked. "Sure" I said smiling. "Hurry up or I'll leave you here" I said jokingly. He caught up to me following me out. He put his mask over his face then left his hand placed on it. He got used to navigating while having his sight covered. He slowly took the mask off and had his eyes widened. "You good?" I asked. He remembered that he was by me. "Yeah I just saw something weird. I'm fine though" he said brushing it off. We eventually reached the village. Ocean and Ivy were playing outside. "Hi guys" I said waving. "Hi Summer!" Ivy exclaimed. "And Nightmare" Ocean said sitting on the floor. Nightmare just nodded. It eventually became night and me and Nightmare said our goodbyes. We started talking while walking home. "Summer have you noticed anything..odd, about Ivy?" Nightmare asked. "Well the way we met was kind of rocky, but she seems nice now" I responded. "I don't really trust her" he said. "Nightmare she's a kid- You can relax" I said reassuring him. He opened his mouth to say something but just looked at his mask then stood silent. "We'll be fine" I said patting his head. He still looked uneasy but I planned on reassuring him. When we got home Echo was still asleep on the couch. I decided to sleep upstairs with Nightmare again. I layed down then rested my head. "Good night" I said exhausted. "Good night" Nightmare responded. I feel asleep pretty quickly again. Nightmare stood up as if thinking of a plan.

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