Another Part of the Ultimatum (TW: gender dysphoria)

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When I woke up I blinked. I felt something pull me down. I couldn't think about it, but once I woke up fully I noticed it was Echo. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sh sh sh" she said helping me up. We walked out of the room after confirming Nightmare was still asleep. "And why are you sleeping in the same room as him?" she asked. "I talked to him, he said he saw something with the mask and we came up with a better sol-" I was cut off. "Can't you see he's lying?! He's obviously going to try something again" she said. "Why are you so untrusting?" I asked. "Think about it, Ivy's a fox mob and Nightmare didn't trust Jk either to the point of kicking him out" she explained. "Can you imagine what he's going to do to Ivy once he gets the chance?" she asked. I didn't feel like trusting her after the comment she made a few days ago. It was like she read my mind. "Listen I'm sorry for lashing out on you the other day...I was frustrated enough. But please trust me" she said. I just stood silent. "If you haven't noticed Nightmare's jealous, he basically hates mobs he had something against Jk, Blade, and me. Can't you see it?" she asked. Echo seemed like she was making valid points, but I felt like Nightmare had his reasoning. I was torn between the two again. I felt like I trusted Echo more but right now I didn't know. "Can I just think about it" I said gently. "Fine, think about it hard though" she said walking away. I sighed then thought for a moment. I had to have something to do for today. I decided to check on Ocean and Ivy. When I made it Ocean was trading with the villagers. "Hi Ocean!" I exclaimed. "Oh hi" they said smiling. "What's up?" I asked. "...Summer I feel gross-" they said. "Why?" I asked. "I know my hair isn't that long but I still don't like it- And I don't like my body" they said looking up at me. "Well, maybe we can try something!" I exclaimed gently. "It may take a while though" I said. "That's fine! It was just making me feel a bit discouraged today" they said. "That's totally fine" I said patting their head. They smiled. Ivy then walked out of the vines. "Oh hi Ivy" I said. "Hi Summer" she said walking towards us. "How've you been" I asked. "Pretty good besides what happened a few days ago" she said. Ocean just tilted their head. I'm guessing they weren't there in that moment. "We have it under control for now" I said giving her a smile. "Thanks Summer" she said smiling back. We hung out for the rest of the night and I ended up falling asleep there.

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