To Another Morning Alive (Long Chapter)

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I woke up feeling much better. I felt really comfortable for some reason. I hugged tighter then realized I was hugging something. I opened my eyes and saw Nightmare still asleep. My eyes widened, I wanted to scream but I didn't wanna wake him. What happened yesterday? Why was I asleep with him? I slid off the bed and pushed myself backwards. I sat by the wall and covered my face. My thoughts were flying through my head again. I got up then opened the door. I slowly closed it then just stood by the door. I decided not to think about it and walked downstairs. Blade was still asleep on the couch. I ran outside for fresh air. I didn't really know what to do for today so I went to the nether. I went through the portal and there was the usual feeling of reality breaking. I've gotten used to it though. I walked out of the portal. Nightmare, Daniel, and Deima created a system that when someone goes through the portal, they ring the bell and it sounds all the way to where they are. I rang the bell and heard it echoing through the nether. I just sat there for a moment. I then saw over the hill, Deima carrying Daniel through the air. "Oh hey Summer!" Deima exclaimed gently dropping Daniel on the ground. Daniel shook ash off of himself then stood up straight. "Hey guys" I said. "What brings you here?" Daniel asked. "Well everyone's sleeping so I'm kind of bored" I responded. "Ohh makes sense" Daniel said. "Espiecally Nightmare" Deima said chuckling. I laughed a bit then remembered what happened this morning. I cleared my throat then nodded. "Oh by the way me and Nightmare helped put this together" I said reaching in my bag. "Ooh what??" Daniel said interested. I pulled out a bow and arrow. "In the overworld skeletons have bows so I wanted to see what you'd be like with a bow" I explained handing him the bow. "Oh cool" he said grabbing the bow. He pulled the string back and the string caught on fire. Deima gasped in excitement. He let the string go and let out a fireball. It hit the floor and a fire flared up. "That's probably why wither skeletons don't have bows in the first place" I joked. Daniel chuckled then let his hand down. "This is really cool though thanks Summer" he said. "You're welcome" I responded putting my bag back on. Me, Deima, and Daniel hung out for most of the afternoon. Exploring the nether, seeing nether fortesses, and looting up. Daniel used his bow way too much and we had a good laugh about it. There's no way to tell time in the nether so we just decided when it was too long and to go back. Soon enough it was time to go back. Deima floated me and Daniel back to the portal. "Thanks for today guys" I said standing by the portal. "No problem! I had a lot of fun" Deima exclaimed. Daniel just nodded. I waved bye to them then went back to the overworld. It was close to sundown when I got back. I walked upstairs and looked around. Nothing had really changed, not that I was really expecting it to. I walked near the house and saw Nightmare. "Oh, hey" I said walking to him. He got startled and hit his head. "OW" he yelled out. "Oh shit-" I said, "Are you okay?". He rubbed his head ruffling his hair a little. I covered my face thinking again. I almost couldn't see him the same. "Yeah I'm fine" he replied turning to me. "Where were you this morning? I woke up and you were gone" he added. "Oh I went to the nether, hung out with Deima and Daniel" I replied. "Oh okay" he said. There was a small awkward silence. "How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Pretty good but uh, you passed out last night" he responded. I paused slightly nodding. So that was why. "Yeah we were hugging and you passed out so I just held you" he said. I gave props to him for explaining it so causally. I was way too nervous for some reason. "Yeah well I'm probably gonna go inside" I said taking a step. "Wait well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out by the mountain" Nightmare asked. "Yeah sure" I answered after thinking for a moment. We eventually reached the mountain and sat talking, calling it a day.

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