Checking up

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I woke up the next morning. Nightmare was sitting at the table. It was still dark. I wanted to go to the nether for some reason. See how Deima and Daniel were doing since we were leaving soon. I kind of wondered what happened in the nether the day of the arguement. I figured since it was dark Nightmare wouldn't notice me slip out. I got up and walked to the other side. I went from the right side and hopped into the portal. I heard rustling but before I could think of it, I already saw the flash of light. I reached the nether and rang the bell. Just then a fireball came at me. I jumped out of the way and fell onto the floor. A piglin ran out of the fire, running right to me. Daniel dropped from above and swung at them. They fell back in shock. "Stop camping the portal!" Deima exclaimed. "We're not falling back" the ghast yelled back. Daniel pulled the string back and lit the fire again. "Oh shit" the ghast said pulling the piglin back. The piglin had an innocent look on it's face. Daniel let the string go anyways barely hitting them. The ghast floated up and away. "Oh noo the portal" Deima said. "Nightmare put obsidian in the chest it's fine" Daniel said. "I'll fix it later" I said standing. "I'm so sorry about that Summer things are kind of...rocky in the nether right now" Deima said. "It's fine" I responded. "They attacked again?" someone asked from the nether fortess. It was a blaze. "Yeah...I hate it" Deima responded floating to her. Daniel walked over to them. "Oh it's gonna be fine darling" she said kissing Deima on the cheek. I assumed they were dating. I heard something scrape behind me. I turned around, it was Nightmare, so he did hear me get up. He just paused there. "Oh hey Nightmare" Deima said. "Uh hi-" he said awkwardly. The blaze just looked confused. Daniel noticed, "This is Nightmare". The blaze just nodded. Nightmare shortly waved. This was really awkward. "Well you guys don't need to fix the portal now" Daniel said breaking the ice. "Yeah" I said just nodding. "Well Summer we were thinking of going over the plans for the end" Nightmare finally said normally. "The end? You guys found it?" Deima asked. "Yeah" Nightmare responded. "Well good luck!" Deima exclaimed. "Thanks" Nightmare said. "That's kind of why I came here, I wanted to properly say bye" I explained to them. "It's no worries, I hope you guys like it in the real world again" Deima said. So there was one. "I'mma head back" Nightmare said walking into the portal. "Uh- Bye guys!" I said walking backwards into the portal. I saw them waving before the flash of light blinded me.

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