Mushroom Kingdom

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That night I stood with Hela and Iina. I couldn't bear being near anyone right now. The next morning I woke up to yelling. "You already had breakfast!" Hela exclaimed. Aether groaned frustrated. "You fatass" Iina said walking past him. "That's mean, y'know that's really mean" Aether said crossing his arms. Iina giggled, "I know!". Aether sat next to Iina. "You guys can't baby me then take it away" he said pouting. "That's cause you are a baby" Iina said. "I don't like you" he said. She chuckled patting him on the head. I groaned turning. "Iina's right" I mumbled still tired. "MASK MAN LOVER" Aether yelled. I opened my eyes slightly. "Mask lover" I said calmly. "Are you okay?" Iina asked. "Yeah, THIS IPAD KID JUST WON'T LET ME SLEEP" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. "I DON'T EVEN OWN AN IPAD" he yelled. "THAT'S NOT WHAT IPAD KID MEANS IDIOT" I yelled. "I'M NOT A KID" he said throwing the pillow back at me. I caught it setting it down. "YOU'RE 14 IN REAL LIFE" I yelled. "YOU'RE 14?!" Iina yelled. "HMPH" he yelled crossing his arms. "RELAX FOR TWO SECONDS WILL YA" I said pushing his head. He yanked my tail again. I slipped back hitting my head. "OW!" I yelled. "Oh dear-" Iina said. Aether laughed crossing his arms. I hopped up pushing him off the couch. "OW" he said. We literally just fought for 10 minutes. "Okay don't hurt each other more" Iina said pulling me off. I shoved Aether getting up. "Are you gonna head back?" he asked. "I guess...leaving them for a night could cause another explosion" I said. He chuckled getting up as well. "Well bye guys, thanks for letting me stay" I said climbing up. Iina smiled waving. I made it back glancing around. I double backed seeing something in the distance. I raised my eyebrows walking over to it. I walked through the forest reaching the ocean. There was a huge platform over the water. It had vines in the front being held by two mushrooms. I walked through the vines looking around. "Oh hello S- Person!" Riska exclaimed hopping down from the stage. "You did this even during the explosion?" I asked. "Mhm! Kept me working" they said. "How'd it not blow up?" I asked. "It's on the water, was untouched. All I had to do was fix the bridge" they explained. "It looks uh, cool though" I said. "Thanks!" they exclaimed hopping back onto the stage. "I'm going to have a meeting here soon! See everyone who's here" they exclaimed. "Mhmmm" I said slowly stepping back. "Have fun here!" I exclaimed walking out. "Oh god oh god oh god oh god" I said walking back to our house.

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