Meeting With the Main Mob Order

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After a few hours Echo took us all home. I just sat on the couch still in a bit of shock. Deno was sent back to the Earth kingdom afterwards. Nightmare eventually said he was gonna try to sleep. He walked upstairs leaving me there. I didn't really know what to do in that moment. I thought for a bit then decided to talk to Echo again. I was still genuinely curious about why she joined back. She gave a pretty clear explanation I was just having trouble processing it. I put my cardigan on walking out again. I remember Hela telling me more or less where the base was. I went through the portal getting to Stacy's village. I reached a mountain that had a base built into it. The gate started opening once I got to a certain point. I walked in following the hallway to Echo's old office. I reached the door knocking gently. After a few moments of silence I slowly opened the door. I glanced in pausing. An enderman laid on the desk as Echo sat on top of them. I felt myself turning red as I slowly closed the door again. I just stood there for a bit covering my face. "Summer" I heard Echo call. I opened the door again stepping in a bit. "I am sorry-" I said trying to glance away. "It's alright" she said sitting up. She set her hands down for support. I covered my face still just glancing around flustered. "What do you need?" she asked sitting on her knees. "I um- Just- Wanted to um, talk" I said unable to focus. "About?" she asked smiling knowing I was embarrassed enough. "Y'know I can come back later" I said turning again. She chuckled lightly getting off the desk. "You don't have to leave, it's fine" she said leaning forward. The enderman got up hopping off the desk. Echo gave them a kiss then patted them on the back. They waved bye to me then walked out. "I thought you weren't into guys" I assumed by how they looked. "They're not a guy, male presenting but they're nonbinary. Go by they/she" she explained laying her head on her hand. "Oh- Sorry for the assumption" I said walking up to the desk. "It's fine, now you seemed pretty flustered before.. Is someone have second thoughts?" she asked teasing me. "Shut up" I said sitting down. She laughed sitting down as well. "So what's up?" she asked crossing her legs. I kept replaying what I saw but decided to focus. "I'm still a bit worried about you joining the Order again.. Did Hela say anything?" I asked telling the truth. "Not really, I was a bit suprised. The only condition is I can't leave again.." she responded thinking a bit. "Well she can't force you to stay" I said sitting up a bit. She glanced up at me just staying silent. I got the message just glancing down. "Well I guess she can" I said rubbing my chin. "I appreciate you worrying about me but I'll be fine. The only reason I joined back in the first place was to protect you guys. It shouldn't be the other way around" she said giving a reassuring smile. I covered my face still just glancing down. "How's Nightmare doing?" she asked placing her hand on the desk. "I'm not too sure, he just went upstairs when getting back. What about Stacy?" I asked. "Hasn't come out since getting home, we told Addax as well" she said tilting her head. "He was injured before" I blurted out. "Hm?" she asked confused. "Noah, we got into a fight with Aaron beforehand. He got struck by lightning but still insisted to fight" I explained. "Well that's Noah" she said shaking her head a bit. I just stood silent thinking about it.

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