The Start of a New Battle

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I decided to check up on Hela and Iina afterwards. I wasn't going to confront them yet just see what they'll say. Their part of the land was still not fixed. Patches of snow traced the crater with sizes of ice. I stepped down carefully trying not to fall. I found the hole climbing down the now fixed ladder. I made it down hopping off. I heard mumbling in the next room. I slowly walked over glancing around. "Are you telling me you're failing to maintain your land?" I heard Hela asked. "I'm sorry sister but you don't get it I-" Iina was cut off. "I don't get it? Are you doubting my work?" she asked standing. "The nether is bigger then the end! It's infinite along with the overworld I can't control every mob!" she exclaimed basically pleading for mercy. "The nether is not my problem now is it? It's yours, what happens in the overworld and end is not for you to judge." she said sternly. "I-I'm sorry" she muttered out shuttering. "You get your shit under control or you're demoted" she said going to turn. "What about you getting killed in the end?! Those were the first people who could beat you in dragon form an-" Iina was cut off again. A slash sounded followed by sobs. "I never lose on accident." Hela said sternly. "S-So you let them win? After telling me to kill them for living amongst mobs?" Iina asked her crying being heard between words. "I have my reasons for things and you are not to question them" she answered. "I'm sorry" Iina whimpered out trying to suppress her crying. I heard footsteps coming right towards the door. My eyes widened quickly walking to the ladder. I gripped onto it pretending i was just coming down. "Oh! Summer hello!" Hela said completely changing her act. I hopped down hoping I could play it off. "Hi Hela!" I exclaimed literally holding back tears for Iina. "What brings you here today?" she asked running her hand over the potion table. "I was just wondering how things were with you guys! With the whole commotion going on, I heard Echo is back in the main mob order!" I exclaimed so ready to go off on her. Hela paused a bit clearly thinking of what to say. "Yes she did join back! I heard you saw her in the Electric Kingdom to do clean-up" she said turning to face me. "Yep, she did an awesome job" I said making eye contact with her. "Well I'm alright Summer thank you for asking.. I'm sure Nightmare's powers was a shocker" she responded. "They really were" I said thinking back to the move he did on Aaron. "Well The Gem Kingdom gave their thanks for helping them out" she explained. "What about Stacy? If she also represents electricity wouldn't she be fit to rule Electric Kingdom?? She's very open-minded and I'm sure she'll have amazing plans for the people" I said confidently. She tilted her head thinking for a bit. "I believe that'd be a good idea.." she said, my words hitting her harder then it should've. I smiled glad I could do something for Stacy. "You should probably go now, I have important work to do. Y'know being the end figure and all" she said giggling. My smile faded when hearing that. Everything that she did rushed back to me as I remembered my hatred for her. "Summer?" she asked confused. "Yeah of course, I'll be out of your hair.. Goodbye" I said turning towards the ladder. She nodded slightly turning to the table. "Oh and Summer?" she asked calling after me. I paused in place just staring at the ladder. "Don't try anything stupid with what you know." she said sternly. I tightened my grip on the ladder repeating what she said. "I won't" I mumbled before climbing back up.

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