Creeper Griefer

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A whistle came from outside as commotion started. Blade yelled and fell off the opposite couch. I sat up quick and ran to the door. A sizzle sounded and the door blew up. I slid back and just layed on the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" Nightmare yelled walking down the stairs. "People are trying to sleep here" Wolfie groaned standing at the top of the stairs. We all snapped our heads towards them. "But whatever" they snapped back. I got back up and ran out. Nightmare grabbed his chestplate off the wall and ran after me. Another whistle sounded hitting one of the towers. My eyes widened as I watch the blocks fall from the top. I ran faster at the direction of the fireworks. "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY CREEPERS" Nightmare yelled swinging his sword around. I ran faster then glanced around. I spotted a small fire spinning. "CREEPER SPAWNER" I answered back reaching the mountain. Nightmare ran to the tower ignoring all of the creepers chasing him. I eventually neared the top of the mountain. "Tough tiddies" someone said. I climbed up a block then heard something get pushed down. I slowly looked down and noticed a pressure plate. "WHY WOULD YOU- Oh my god" the person complained. I just stared at them. "Well tootles girly" they exclaimed throwing an ender pearl. The trail of purple faded from sight as everything went dark.

Nightmare's POV (Yes I'm fancy)

     I placed multiple torches around the spawner stopping it from spawning more. I realized the rest of the creepers had cornered me. I raised my shield up as they all blew up at once. The tower was almost completely destroyed as I got up from the crater. I was just getting my hearing back when another explosion sounded, a bigger one. I quickly turned sitting on the grass when I saw the mountain blowing up. TNT flew through the air as the mountain got slowly destroyed. My mind was foggy until I realized Summer had climbed up the mountain. "WAIT SHIT" I yelled running to what was now a second crater. My legs felt like giving up but I continued as they went numb. I heard Wolfie running out the house as more small explosions happened. I glanced up the mountain and saw small fires flaring. I ran faster focusing back on my steps now. Harly ran past me smiling then slid down the hill. I breathed heavily as I went back to reality and dropped to the ground. I rested my arm on a rock and tried to hold myself up. Harly swam out of the water and pulled Summer out of the water. I just stared at her replaying on how she ran past me. Harly began CPR as I looked away still catching my breath. I turned back and watched what we spent so much work on blow up. I sat criss cross and slowly dropped my hand to my side. Blade ran to us and stopped near me. "What's going on??" he asked. "A bitch happened" I replied. "I- I asked what was going on but okay-" Blade said jokingly. I just hung my head down.

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