New Electric Kingdom

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We soon made it considering the Main Mob Order flags. They were all placed around the island and there were a few workers. Some of them were carrying bricks to the bridge and others were tending to camps. There were two flags on each side of the bridge as if they were marking their territory. We walked across the bridge trying to ignore the workers. Ocean glanced around clearly concerned about what had happened. We soon reached the other side walking through the alleyways. We walked to the main square seeing a little of the destruction still there. There were fewer people then usual and it all seemed so gloomy. It was like everything just went black and white when walking in here. It was obvious we didn't fit in. We walked through the alleyways slowly trying to find our way. We got lost a couple of times but we eventually found our way to the receptionist girl. She obviously recognized me from last time but we both just brushed it off after a while. Stacy got the directions then we made our way to The Board of Order building. It was a pretty boring walk Ocean and Stacy just talked while I stood silent. My head just went 100mph thinking back to the past. Everything that happened the last time we came, what happened when I snuck out the other night. It all just sort of fogged my mind. I snapped bck to reality when I heard a louder voice talking. "Alright guys! We're here" Stacy exclaimed walking Ocean in. I closed the door behind us glancing around. The hall looked more modern then the rest of the Kingdom. We turned the corner to a big trophy case type thing. I stopped to look at all the items displayed. Most of it was pretty boring stuff but one caught my attention. "Toliya's Lyre" the sign read as the lyre sat there undamaged. I just stared at it for a bit when Stacy walked up to me. "Oh yeah.. Her old Lyre, I wonder if she got a new one now" she said staring at it as well. We just exchanged looks before continuing on. The rest of the building was just rooms you either could see or couldn't. Stacy continued to follow the directions before making it to the meeting room. "Can you wait out here Ocean?" Stacy asked sitting him on a bench outside the room. He just nodded adjusting himself in the seat. She gave him a smile then stood leading me into the room. The room fell quiet as I closed the door behind me. "Hello Stacy" Ella said walking to us. There were other people there as well, I was guessing they were also members. "Hello Ella!" Stacy exclaimed hugging her. Ella just paused before slowly hugging her back. "Why's the kid here?" one of the guys asked glaring at me. "I'm 18" I mumbled back. "Still a kid" he spat rolling his eyes. I just sighed stepping behind Stacy. Ella let go leading us to a seat. I sat next to Stacy trying not to bring any attention to myself. "I really don't even think she should be leader. Aaron gave her an offer years ago and she just declined it why should she be able to just waltz in here and demand Aaron's spot?" the same guy complained. "I didn't demand it- Multiple people said I would be a good leader after Aaron so I agreed" Stacy explained frowning a bit. "Either way she'd be a good addition including the fact she also represents lightning. You guys all know Aaron was corrupt yet all of us were scared to speak up. Now she's gone and with The Board of Order not controlled by Hela anymore we can turn it into something better" Ella added. Majority of the room agreed while others stood quiet. The guy shook his head sighing. "Have anything to say about that Ned?" she asked basically trying to humiliate him. "Yeah, ever since we let you out of the kingdom you have gotten weak." he answered sternly. Her eyes widened as she just glared at him. There was an awkward silence before Ned got up and left. Ella brushed off her shock and continued the meeting. I just space out for the rest of the meeting while they got things situated. Soon enough it ended and we walked out to Ocean. "How was it?" he asked quickly standing. "Well I have Aaron's role now!" she exclaimed patting Ocean on the head. "Yay!" he exclaimed smiling. I gently smiled then looked ahead of us. The mad guy in the meeting just glared at us before disapppearing into the crowd.

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