The Book of the Nether

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I finally got to Stacy's village to get to The Main Mob Order. I walked into the front entrance this time because I wasn't trying to break in. The Mob Order seemed to be very busy today. Everyone was running around with their own little task. Skelly glanced up noticing me. "Hey Summer!" Neville exclaimed waving energetically. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed walking towards them. "What brings you here?" he asked tilting his head. "Oh I'm just here to see Echo" I said smiling a bit. "Well she's actually out right now- What do you need I could take a message?" he said. "Oh I'm just here to borrow a book from her" I responded. "I could give you the key to her room. Don't think this is gonna be everyday though" Skelly said sternly. "C'mon bro! Give her a break, she's probably had a long journey I've never seen her around" a girl said, appearing from the shadows. A skeleton woman came from behind leaning against Skelly. "Get off me-" he said gagging a bit. She just smiled messing with his hair. "Who's this?" I asked. "My...sister" Skelly said embarrassed. "The one and only!" she exclaimed bouncing up. My glances weren't very subtle but I tried to keep eye contact. "Y'know I like Echo, she has her looks cut out for her if y'know what I mean" she said nudging Skelly a bit. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Skelly asked sounding a bit terrified. His sister just laughed loudly before sighing. "So this is the ex?" she asked quickly changing the subject. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN JASMINE?!" Skelly yelled concerned. "Yes I am Echo's ex-" I responded helping her change the subject. "Well she has good taste then" she said looking me up and down. "I wouldn't flirt, she has a very scary boyfriend. And he's also kinda.." Neville said trailing off. I just blinked before inhaling. "Anyways! I should get going now- I need that book for something important" I said very disturbed by Neville's comment. "Yeah, I'll get the key." Skelly said walking off. "So do you really need your boyfriend? I swear it could be one night" Jasmine said giving me a smile. I just narrowed my eyebrows hoping for Skelly to hurry. He soon came back giving me the key. I said my goodbyes before venturing out into the hallway. I just followed the directions soon reaching the chief floor. I unlocked the door then walked into the room. It was pretty fancy but I had no time to swoon over it now. I glanced around thinking where the book would be. I searched the room trying to keep everything in it's original spot. I found potions, other books, armor, and weapons from the igloo. I searched through the other books trying to see if it was in the bunch. I heard a slow creak causing me to freeze up. The door slammed closed as silence fell over the room. I slowly turned as my heart dropped fast. "Looking for something?" Echo asked walking ahead. "Um" I just let out quickly closing the drawer. "Y'know you didn't have to break in, you could just ask Summer. I don't bite" she said smiling. She said the same thing when I barged into her office. "I- Um-" was all I could get out. Echo just started laughing before walking around the bed. "You get so nervous when confronted, relax a little" she said clearly taunting me. I just watched her walk not sure what to say now. "Whatcha lookin for?" she asked stopping in front of me. "Uhm, Iina asked for a book.. I don't know what it's called but it's a book on the nether so I guess it has nether in the title" I explained quickly. "Hmm, lemme find it" she said looking around. I just nodded slightly glancing around the room awkwardly. "Is this it? Nether Scenarios and Their Explanations" she read handing it to me. "This probably is it, the title isn't that subtle. I'm guessing Iina wrote it herself" I explained grabbing it. "Well there you go" she said giving me a smile. "Thank you Echo, I'll see you whenever you stop by the house or if I decide to break in again" I said chuckling. She just chuckled waving bye to me. I walked over to the door opening it. "Uhm, Summer?" Echo said last minute. "Hm?" I asked turning. "I've been meaning to ask you this. Can we talk? About what happened in the infirmary that night- twice?" she asked, seeming nervous. "I don't think there's really much to talk about... It just, happened" I said shrugging. "Nightmare's back, can you really live with that memory so easily?" she added. I just sighed closing the door. "I don't..know. But I don't think we need to talk about it, it was just one night. I feel really guilty but it happened right? I wish I could go back in time and undo it but unfortunately I don't think even Hela could do that" I said frowning. Echo just nodded slightly sighing. "Yeah, you're right. I dunno I've been thinking too much. I'm sorry-" she said face palming. "No you don't have to be sorry about anything" I said shaking my head. "Well, bye Summer I hope that helps Iina" she said waving. "Bye" I said giving a slight smile then closing the door behind me. I just leaned on the other side of the door sighing before finally taking off.

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