Focusing on our goal

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Me and Echo have been hanging out more often. We had a rocky meeting but we ended up becoming friends. I woke up and saw Nightmare working on something at the table. I laid on my stomach and glared at him. "Hi" I said gently. He looked up then waved, "Hi". "What are you working on?" I asked sitting up. "Oh I'm working on this pack for Deima" he replied fixing it up. "Oh?" I asked wanting to learn more. "Yeah she said she needed some supplies for a project so I'm making a basket for her" he added. I couldn't help but chuckle. "She's really great y'know, I love everything about her" he exclaimed. I paused at these words. I completely forgot that he liked her these past few days. I just nodded. He glanced at me with a smile. "Yeah she's great" I responded. He nodded then kept working on the basket. "I figured we should get back to our goal, so we can get out of this world as soon as possible" he said. "We have been getting distracted" I said kind of blandly, laying on my back again.
Nightmare nodded. He was right, we do need to focus on getting to the end again. I'm just not sure we'll be able to do that with Flamey trying to kill us. I hugged a pillow thinking about everything again, not sure what to do. Nightmare got up then walked to me. "We'll be able to do it" he said proudly. I just nodded. He walked passed the couch then walked back upstairs. I thought all of this was silly at this point. I just wanted to get out of this world. I didn't want to be distracted with liking anyone right now. Later in the afternoon me, Blade, and Wolfie were working at the farm. "What happened the other day Summer?" he asked me. I completely forgot he was trying to talk to me when I ran upstairs. "Oh Nightmare fell off the mountain so I went to make sure he respawned" I answered. He just kind of laughed. "Clumsy motherfucker" Wolfie said throwing the hoe into the waterway. "Wolfie we need that-" I said watching it go into the hopper. "We can just craft another one" Wolfie said giving an awkward smile. I just face palmed. Harly still hasn't come back and I've been starting to worry. It's been almost a month and a half she's been gone. I'm just hoping she's not dead. After harvesting the crops I walked to an unfinished building. It was one of the projects Jk and Nightmare had been working on. I saw Jk working on the roof, taking back mistakes and redoing it till perfect. "Hey Jk" I said looking up at him. His ears popped up then he turned. "Oh hey Summer" he said sitting on the edge. "How are the builds going?" I asked. "Good this is probably going to be our last build" he responded. I was glad. Our kingdom was nearly done. "That's good!" I exclaimed. He smiled gently then got up. "I'm gonna go back to this okay?" he said. "Okay! Bye Jk" I said walking away.

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora