The Confronting

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I woke up in the real world again. My head hurt, I groaned then sat up. I was still in the girl's house. I glanced and saw the notebook again. She wasn't in the room so I picked it up reading through it. I read all the things about Ivy and her real life. My eyes widened as I read more. "Hey" I heard her coming up the stairs. I put the notebook down then sat back on the bed. "You have to go back, this is harmful enough" she told me. "Fine" I said getting up. She helped me out then shut the door behind me. I decided to confront Ivy. I ran back home, I pulled up navigation but it was too far. I ran as much as I could. I eventually stopped and breathed heavily. I didn't know what to do. This definitely counted as excerise. I slowed to a walk when I neared our town a car pulled up to me. "Summer?" I heard, when I turned I realized it was my parents. They explained how they were looking for me and everything. They scolded me a bit in the car but they were glad I was okay. They asked where I was but I couldn't come to tell them. I just said I was semi-kidnapped. We eventually made it back home, it was nearing night time. We ate dinner then watched a show for a bit. After a few episodes my parents went to sleep. I went to sleep as well shifting to the world. I woke up then ran outside. I ran to the village where Ivy and Ocean were. When I got there I moved the vines out the way. They weren't there, I sighed then sat on the floor. I was exhausted. When I turned I heard rustling. "Oh so that's who you were in the world" I heard from behind me. It was Ivy. "Ivy you can't-" I was cut off. "Summer I don't wanna do this either but it's nessicary, my real life self wants to" she said. "And I'm willing to stop anyone in the way, I already have Echo on my team" she said smiling. My eyes widened at her name, this girl was so tiny but crazy. Just then a whistle came from overhead. I looked up then moved out the way. It was Flamey's skeleton. "Never come back" Ivy told me. "Humans don't get to share this world with us" someone said from overhead. When I focused my vision I noticed the green. It was Echo. This couldn't have been happening. "Especially traitors" she added knowing I was looking at her.

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