We finally did it

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Me and Nightmare climbed along the hill. We passed the swamp biome we walked by when we first met. We noticed the big castle on the mountain. It was the same castle we saw when the guy attacked us. I walked faster then Nightmare for a moment. "Hey-" Nightmare said stumbling over rocks. "Sorry" I said going at his speed again. We reached the mountain the castle was on. Nightmare pulled the tnt out of his bag then threw the first one. "Whoo whoo" I cheered watching the roof blow up. We placed tnt around the foundation then lit it all up. We ran to the other mountain as it blew up behind us. We both turned and watched the castle fall with the mountain. I yelled in excitement then hopped up to high five Nightmare. I accidently hit him on the shoulder. "OW" he yelled jokingly. I landed on my feet then laughed. He chuckled putting the flint and steel back in his bag. I realized how stupid these last few days had been, even if I didn't need them it was good to have them. "We should head back" I said walking. "Mhm" Nightmare responded following me. I was too happy about blowing up their stuff that I forgot what had happened before. We walked down the mountain near the house. I paused just looking at all of it. There was fire and more of it was blown up. Nightmare ran down with no hesitation. I glanced at him then followed. Blade teleported on the other side. Bishir placed down water in front of him. Matthew ran up and swung at Bishir, knocking him in the water. "OW" he held holding his back. Blade started speaking in ender launguage. Flamey respawned near us again and walked to Harly. Nightmare ran to the bed and placed tnt next to it. I ran into the area and used the impact from the explosion to boost myself. I gripped my sword and used all my strength to swing it at Flamey. I hit him before he reached Harly. I landed on his back pushing the sword further. "Flamey was slained by Summer" the paper read. Harly turned then chuckled. "Bishir was slain by Matthew" another one read. I looked sround then noticed Tarig. "No-" Tarig said running through the hole in the wall. I laughed. "WE DID IT BITCHES" Wolfie yelled. "Yeah but now we have no house-" Harly said. "Oh-" Wolfie said pausing. I just sat there. I started remembering what happened again. Echo and Jk was dead, and they couldn't come back. After Wolfie's realization there was a depressing silence. Matthew was hurt the most, he was really frustrated in that moment. "What are we gonna do? We can't rebuild that fast" Blade asked. "See if the sheeps are still alive, we'll just have to sheer them" Nightmare responded. "GUYS" Wolfie yelled. We all turned our head. "WE STILL HAVE EYES OF ENDER" they yelled holding them in the air. "GET OUT" I yelled getting up. "32 OF THEM" they yelled back. "So we still have a chance then" Harly said smiling. "We'll have to sleep underground for today, I'll sheer the sheep" Nightmare said. It felt like we lost everything but we still had hope.

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