She's Now A Hostage

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A day had passed by since then. Aether tied me to a chair in the base. He did a horrible job though and I pointed it out. I had just been bullying him the whole time. Today he tried to ignore me. "Aether, Aether, Aether" I repeated. He just stared into the air. "How's Shadow" I asked. He put a thumbs up then continued reading. "God you're such a nerd" I said. He sighed deeply keeping his cool. I pulled my arm out of the wraps then sighed getting up. I walked over looking through a chest. He noticed it then his eyes widened. "HOW'D YOU GET OUT I FIXED IT" he yelled. "Not good enough" I said drinking an ender eye milkshake. He pulled me over tying it again. "God you're so boring" I said. "Just because I like you doesn't mean I'm gonna be nice" he said seriously. I whimpered then burst out laughing. "Okay, and why are you doing this again?" I asked teasing him. He turned red stubbornly turning and sitting down. He faced the wall aggressively flipping the pages. I just laughed at him. He eventually moved it to trapping me in a room. I sat on the bed dangling a chain. I glanced to the side noticing a shulker box. This seemed to be a childhood base of some sort. I walked over clicking the middle button. The shulker box opened showing what was inside. I pulled the things out finding a mask. It wasn't like Nightmare's, it was just a mask. I turned it over seeing pink blended into the white. It was like a tie-dyed mask. I put most of the stuff back. It was mostly just toys and custom made items. This was definitely a childhood base he had. I heard sizzling at the door. I turned and saw the wall blow up. "Finally jeez" I said getting up. I turned as the smoke cleared. But it wasn't who I thought it was. Nightmare's dad stood in the doorway. My eyes widened in shock. "Look who we have here" he said. An arrow shot from above right at me. I dodged it glancing through the crack. Aether laid on the floor bleeding. Lenny ran through the doorway swinging at me. I hit the sword out of his hand sliding away. Since I had the mask in one hand I couldn't do much. I put it on my head standing up. I slipped through the crack going to the other side. I ran to Aether glancing at his wounds. "Fuck" I said tearing my sleeve. I heard an axe being thrown. I dodged catching it. "Damn you're cheating" Aether said sitting up. "No time for jokes" I said grabbing the axe. I chucked it at Nightmare's dad barely cutting him. "Henry watch out from now on" Lenny said hopping up the stairs. He grabbed the axe chucking it back at me. I guess we were in a catch game. I caught it swinging right at Lenny. Henry grabbed my arm. I turned hitting him right in the side. He yelled grabbing the handle of the axe. I ran kicking Lenny. I grabbed his sword impaling him. I heard another sizzle at the front door. The door blew open but not as big as tnt, a creeper. Echo stomped through heading right to Aether. Nightmare walked in glancing around. I waved slightly until the mask fell over my face. "Damn it" I said taking it off. "Lenny found you guys?" he asked walking down the stairs. I nodded standing up. Echo punched Aether grabbing him by the shirt. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" she yelled. "Got that statement before" Nightmare said. I laughed walking over to him. "Didn't think you two would be working together" I said kissing him. "Only for now, kill her after" he joked. "That's not funny" I said chuckling. I walked past him going up the stairs. Echo was just yelling at Aether. I placed my hand on her shoulder signaling for her to calm down. "I hate him too but we at least have to treat his wound" I said grabbing the cloth. I wrapped it around his arm hopefully to stop the bleeding. "We can't do much about the stomach wound just to leave the axe in for now" I said. "LEAVE IT IN?!" Aether yelled. "I'm disgusted to apply pressure there, for now it'll keep you from bleeding out" I said helping him up. "That's rude" he said. "None of us can heal a wound that big- I'd know where to take him but it's far" I said. "So you mean to tell me this child kidnapped you, tied you to a chair, trapped you in a room. And you're helping him?!" Echo yelled. "That's Summer" Nightmare said crossing his arms. "I did the same for you Echo, and Nightmare. If I weren't like this you'd still be mad. Suck it up" I said walking out. Echo just watched me walk out. "She kinda right though" Echo said. "Yeah, and I don't want her to be right" Nightmare said grabbing Aether. Echo chuckled following us out.

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