Getting Closer To The Truth

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I woke up quickly. I shot up almost falling off the couch. "Whoa whoa" Nightmare said. I glanced at him then sighed. "What happened?" Jk asked. "I was just startled" I responded. I didn't feel tired anymore so I couldn't shift back. I felt weird but I tried to ignore it. After talking for a bit I got up and went outside. The damage from yesterday was still there. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't help but think about what happened in the real world. I sat on the mountain trying to go to sleep. It eventually hit night time and I was finally able to go to sleep. I woke up in the real world again. I grabbed the closest object then threw it. "Ow!" the girl yelled holding her head. I was lying in a bed. I opened my mouth to say something but I noticed the journal. I glanced over at it. She ran up and grabbed the journal. "Stay out of it" she said sort of sternly. She sat back down at the desk and continued writing. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked her. "Say, how was your sleep?" she asked me. She knew what I was talking about. "Let's see, I checked on the damage that was on the fictional land from yesterday" I said giving her a hint. Her eyes slowly widened. "You're already in the world?" she asked. "Yeah, and the same day you stabbed someone in the pool someone joined the world" I told her. "I know that, that's the whole point" she said. I thought for a moment repeating her voice in my head. I snapped my fingers, "IVY". She paused dropping her pen. "THAT'S WHY YOU SOUND SO FAMILIAR!" I yelled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" she yelled pushing me back to the bed. "SO WHAT NIG-" I was cut off. "I WOULD LIKE TO GO TWO SECONDS WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT THAT!" she yelled. I was just in shock, somehow Echo's trick was accidentally right. I paused, Echo? I realized I remembered their names. I thought back and remembered everything. Before I could continue she injected me with something else. "CAN YOU ST-" I spaced out quickly exhausted. I was out cold again.

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora