Doing this shit all over again

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When we got back Wolfie was just sitting in front of the nether portal. The area looked different though. There was a second portal next to it. "Oh" Wolfie said stepping back to let us down. "Where did this come from?" I asked stepping back. We stood quiet since Ocean had fallen asleep. "I don't know- It was just here when I walked out" they explained briefly. "I'm kind of tired, I don't feel like exploring anything else right now" Nightmare said yawning. "Same" I said nodding. "It was just weird to me" Wolfie said glancing back at it. "We'll figure it out tommorow don't worry. For now just get some rest" I told them gently. They nodded walking in with us. We all eventually went to sleep. Nightmare wanted to stay up still but I bullied him to go to sleep. I just laid there thinking. What Noah had said about Hela. I was way too curious about their past. Questions started to fly through my head again. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't ignore it. Before I knew it the sky started to get lighter. I turned over finally falling asleep. One problem was Nightmare got up an hour later. I ended up waking up again exhausted. I didn't wanna get up, but we still had to figure out the second portal. I got up with Nightmare getting ready. We walked outside just standing by the portal. "Are you sure you wanna come?" Nightmare asked. I nodded slightly glancing at him. "If we have to fight anyone though I'm gonna be a bit pissed" I said. "We're obviously gonna have to fight someone" he said sarcastically. I nodded chuckling lightly. "I'm taking the first step" he said walking into the portal. I just groaned still tired, I walked through casually. We made it to the other side glancing around. There was a small cave with a bunch of pearls. The floor was lined with sand and decorated with shells. I walked further out looking around more. At the edge of the room was water. It didn't leak into the room somehow though. Fish and other creatures swam around. A glow squid swam by lighting up the room. Nightmared scoffed as I remembered his hatred for glow squids. A small rumbling came from in front. I slowly stepped back just in case. Bubbles came out of the water as it splashed through. Nightmare stepped back covering his face. "Fuck" I said shaking the water off my clothes. I glanced up in front of us. A girl sat above the floor, the water somehow carried her. She had blueish hair with hints of pink in it. Her outfit had lots of accessories and was well put together. "Hello! You must be the young one" she said smiling. "I- uh- Fu- Erm- Hi- Name- I-" Nightmare stuttered. I just face palmed sighing. "How do you all know him?" I asked ignoring him. "News travels fast especially from a far! Ever since you met Stacy most of us were warned about you. Most of us know of your arrival!" she exclaimed smiling. Nightmare continued to stutter but we both chose to ignore him. "Noah put in a good word about you, Lenards...not so much. News about you spiraled when that fight happened, especially from Hela!" she explained still. "Noah? Put in a good word about me? Noah, the alcoholic who fancytalks" Nightmare asked a bit shocked. "Mhm!" she exclaimed. "So who are you and why was the portal connected to our house?" I asked. "Well, I'm Maylene! I represent water. Hela usually visits us occasionally so she set up the portal system to me. Me and Earth are allies of you guys, and she figured we should meet now!" she exclaimed. "Hela occasionally visits, and whats her business with all of you? I thought she's just a witch" Nightmare asked. I could tell he was getting skeptical. Maylene glanced at me then got the memo. "She's a um, famous witch. She was originally involved with Stacy so it's been like that! She was already nearby half of them so why not all of them?" she said as an excuse. "Mhm" Nightmare said just glaring at her. "But I'm glad to finally meet you guys, news about Historia has also spread. Especially with Echo and the main mob order..She also put a good word in!" she explained. "Since when did all my enemies like me?" Nightmare asked. "I guess you have charm!" Maylene exclaimed. Nightmare started his stuttering again. "I would love for you guys to met Earth! Her name is Serena, come on!" she said floating off. "How are we supposed to get through the water?" I asked. "Trust me" she said winking. The water split creating a tunnel to a staircase. It led up back to the surface. "Ooh" I said walking ahead. Nightmare followed covering his face with the mask. We walked up the stairs reaching the top. A girl sat in the woods. She was hanging out with a couple of parrots. "Hello Serena" Maylene said walking to her. The parrots flew away when she walked by. "Aw man" Serena said pouting. She glanced noticing the two of us. She had light brown hair and a long dress. "Hello! You must be the young one" she said smiling. I felt like choking Nightmare when he started stuttering again. "Why do you guys call him the young one?" I asked. "Because he's the current youngest, it used Aaron until Stacy. But now since she's an adult he's the new youngest" Serena explained. "I've heard Aaron's name billions of times, who is she?" Nightmare asked finally getting a hold of himself. "Electricity...she's kind of mean though" Maylene said. "She rules a kingdom and believes in "order". None of us really understand it though" Serena explained. "When do I meet her?" Nightmare asked. "Not really sure" Maylene said. Most of the night they just talked answering questions. We ended up deciding to sleep there since it got late quick. What icked me more was they mentioned Hela as well. Everyone has said the same thing about her so far. It's really been bugging me but I've chose to ignore it. Serena and Maylene seemed really nice though, and they decided to help Nightmare. We decided to call it a night and went to sleep.

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