Circus Freak (Long Chapter)

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I woke up thinking quick. I learned I'm usually good at aiming when just waking up. I randomly kicked out hoping for the best. "OW" I heard someone yell, but the voice sounded familiar. I opened my eyes noticing I kicked Addax. "Fuck" I said fixing myself. My arms felt numb from being behind the chair. Whoever that was did a way better job then Aether. "I'm hungry and now my side hurts" Addax said giving me a look. "Don't look at me like that" I said glancing at him. "I can look at you however I want" he said flicking his head the other way. "No you can't" I said looking foward. "Yes I can" he said. I paused for a moment then kicked again. "OW FUCKING-" he yelled glaring at me. I just smiled proudly. Probably 90 years, no I'm being dramatic. A few hours passed of just silence, until the door opened. "RAWR" Addax yelled spitting out a bottle. "The fuck-" I said glancing at him. The bottle barely missed the person. "That was kiNda pAthetic" the person said. "Hey, it was a better plan then Summer KICKING ME" Addax yelled. "BLAH" I yelled kicking him again. "STOP THAT" he yelled trying to kick me. "RelAx relax kiDs" the guy said. "Why do you sound like that" Addax asked. "WhY" he countered. "Ugh, whatever. The real question is WHO ARE YOU" Addax yelled. "ThE one aNd only! LenArds" the person said praising himself. "Ew" I said glaring at him. "You wOn't be sAying ew soOn girlie" Lenards said giving me a smirk. A long pause went around us. "Ew" I said breaking the silence. "Rich, that's rich. NOW LET US GO" Addax yelled. "No thAnks" Lenards said giggling. "MY BOYFRIEND'S GONNA BE HERE SOON AND HE'S GONNA KICK YOUR ASS" Addax yelled proudly. "Boyfriend? Who would date you" I said sarcastically. "Are you being homophobic?" Addax asked. "Dude I'm literally bisexual" I said glaring at him. "Doesn't mean you can't be homophobic" he said pouting. I rolled my eyes glancing away from him. "But anyways, Noah would date me you brunette haired y/n" Addax said proudly. "If one more person calls me y/n" I said frustrated. "Y/n" Addax said out of spite. I stood up holding the chair with me then kicked him hard. "FUCKING" he yelled kicking my foot. "Whoa whOa whoa" Lenards said sitting me back down. I bit his finger kicking him back. "Ow tHats noT niCe" he said sitting on the floor. I just glared at him sitting back down. "We mAy have tO move tO the nExt part of tHe plan sOonEr" he said smiling innocently. "Next?" Addax asked. Next thing we knew after a bunch of fighting we were chained above lava. I just spun spacing out annoyed. "Y'know this never would've happened if Nightmare wasn't there" Addax said after a long silence. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I yelled. "DON'T YELL AT ME YOU KNOW IT'S FUCKING TRUE!" he yelled. "IT IS NOT TRUE THE ONLY REASON HE'S THERE IS BECAUSE YOUR IDIOT GROUP IS FAILING TO TEACH HIM" I yelled. "HEY DON'T INSULT STACY AND MY BOYFRIEND" he countered. "WHO EVEN IS YOUR BOYFRIEND?" I asked. "NOAH" he responded. "OH-" I said trailing off a bit. "MY BOYFRIEND IS SAVING YOUR BOYFRIEND'S ASS DUMMY" he continued. "WELL NOW BOTH OUR BOYFRIENDS HAVE TO SAVE OUR ASSES SO GOOD JOB FOR THAT ADDAX" I yelled sternly. "OH YOU'RE WORSE THEN ECHO" he yelled pouting. "OH THAT'S IT" I said swinging to kick him. "GET YOUR METAL FUCKING BOOTS AWAY FROM ME" he said trying to kick me as well. We spent around 7 minutes just spinning and trying to kick each other. A loud axe noise sounded throughout the tent. We both stopped just letting the chains carry us wherever. Lenards stood from below just staring at the wall. "Your friEnds are hEre~" he said unsettling. I glanced at Addax trying to get my arm free. "It's no use they're too tight" he said swinging himself. I sighed glancing around for something. Multiple axes dropping filled the room. "Fuck" I said fixated on a nearby pole. I started swinging trying to get myself close enough to the pole. "What are you doing?!" Addax yelled. I turned myself facing him. "Trying to get out? Now help me push you ugly sand bitch" I said sternly. "Ugh" he said kicking me. I swung back further but my side hurt now. "There's other ways to push me dumbass" I said angry. "This is revenge" he said kicking me harder. I dug my nail into my hand trying not to yell at him. He kicked again helping me swing further. I reached out wrapping my index finger around the pole. "Yes" I said moving my leg out. I used my ankle to pull myself closer. I wrapped my whole hand around the pole stopping the chain from moving. "What's your plan now?" he asked. I pulled at my left arm trying to get free. Footsteps echoed outside of the glass. Lenards stepped up to the controls glancing at us. "Oh noW what aRe you dOing?" Lenards asked pulling at a lever. The chain moved pulling me away from the pole. "NO" I yelled spinning again. I hit Addax being back to back with him. "OW" Addax yelled. "A gOod plan yOu aLmost got mE, bUt not cLose enoUgh" Lenards said smiling. Suddenly a pause came over the room. Lenards glanced down trying to move his arm but he couldn't. "I cAn't moVe" he said glancing up at us. "Time stop" Addax said smiling. "YES" I yelled spinning to face the enterence. The traps stopped setting off and there was a silence. Eventually another axe dropped then silence. The next trap didn't set off. I was able to move my head glancing. "It's a gOod trick, bUt he cAn only dO it for 15 seconds cOrreCt?" Lenards said smiling. He turned glancing off the balcony. "YOU'RE CLOSE!" Lenards yelled out laughing. The next trap slowly set off. Lenards laughed ready for them to come. The last trap set off echoing through the room. Addax glanced at the entrance hopeful. A simple shadow popped up on the wall. Music started blasting and rainbow lights went off. "Fu-" I cut myself off closing my eyes. "WelcOme tO mY beLoved cIrcuS!" Lenards exclaimed smiling. Noah turned the corner glancing right at the controls. "WeLcomiNg oUr contEstAnts, nOah, and tHe peoPle he cAme witH" he continued giggling. "This guy is a nut job" Addax said to me. I nodded trying to ignore the flashing lights. "So what's the scheme of this one Lenards" Noah asked annoyed. Stacy walked up to him and Nightmare. "WeLl, I caN't teLl yoU. YoU'lL have to fiNd out YouRseLf" he responded pulling a lever. The chains dropped me and Addax down about 5 feet. "Y/n" Addax said rolling his eyes. "Oh shush" I said spinning to face them. "WHY DON'T WE JUST RUN UP THERE?!" Nightmare yelled. "It's not that easy" Noah said sternly as if he's explained it 90 times. "BUT IT'S EASY-IER" he yellled frustrated. An axe came swinging right at them. Noah picked Nightmare up dodging the axe. Stacy dodged it as well landing on her ankle. "WipEout!" Lenards exclaimed. "Oh god" Stacy said limping. "Try aNd dodGe the aXe" he explained laughing. "I'm sick of this" Nightmare said ready. The axe came swinging around again. Noah and Stacy dodged it in time. Nightmare hopped up landing on the axe. "NIGHTMARE" Noah yelled sighing. "NoW yoU knOw whAt iT feeLs liKe to raise a cHild" Lenards said smiling. The axe came swinging around again bringing Nightmare into few. "You're stupid" Noah said hopping over the axe. He grabbed Nightmare pulling him off. "I HAD A PLAN" he yelled. "NO" Noah yelled back frustrated. "I'M NOT IN THE MOOD TO PLAY DEATH WIPEOUT FOR AN HOUR I'M GETTING THIS OVER WITH NOW" Nightmare yelled getting ready again. "Fucking hell" Noah muttered standing up. The axe swung by again. Nightmare hopped up barely missing the axe. He held onto the wooden part swinging around with it. Noah groaned glaring at the staircase. He ran through the field straight at the staircase. "NOAH" Stacy yelled. "I CAN GET THERE FASTER BY THIS WAY" he yelled back. Nightmare kneeled swinging around with the axe. The axe came by their direction again. Noah outran the sharp part but got knocked over by the wooden part. He fell getting dragged a few feet. A huge sand cloud covered them. "HAHA" Nightmare yelled still on the axe. Stacy glanced between them worried. "I'm trying it again" I said swinging. "Su-" Addax was cut off sighing. He turned going to help me again. The chain was dropped more getting us closer to the lava. "FUCK" I yelled picking up my feet. Nightmare groaned standing up. He balanced on the axe ready to jump. The axe swung by again at Stacy. Stacy dodged falling, barely missing it. Nightmare ran going to jump. The axe bounced up knocking him off. "OW" he yelled falling off. He grabbed onto the wooden part holding on for dear life. He swung upside down along with the axe. Noah finally came out of the sand coughing. He dusted himself off glancing at the axe. The swinging speed increased pulling the axe faster. Noah ran straight at it for the next round. It swung by with Nightmare still holding onto it. He went to hop over it but Nightmare grabbed his ankle. "FU-" Noah yelled hitting his head. Nightmare yelled onto Noah dragging him. "YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID" Noah yelled picking his face up from the sand. "I HAVE A PLAN" Nightmare responded. "THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING WHEN COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH" Noah yelled. The axe swung by again as Stacy dodged it. "I'M GOING TO PICK YOU UP AND THROW YOU ON TOP OF THE AXE" Nightmare yelled. "THAT IS A TERRIBLE PLAN!" Noah said spitting sand out of his mouth. "ONE" Nightmare started. "NIGHTMARE DON'T DO THIS" Noah yelled. "THREE" he finished throwing Noah up. The axe speed increased slipping from Noah's grasp. He rolled in the sand finally stopping far away. "Okay that didn't work" Nightmare said holding on for dear life still. "OH MY GOD" Addax yelled fed up with this. Stacy dodged the axe thinking. "You both failed! Now it's my turn" Stacy said running. "NO STACY YOU'RE TOO HOT TO DIE" Nightmare yelled trying to pull himself up. Stacy ran to the staircase as fast as she could. The axe swung around coming straight for her. "MOVE" Nightmare yelled. Stacy squealed grabbing her mask. A lightning bolt flashed through the circus knocking out all the lights. Nightmare's eyes widened getting covered with sand. The lights slowly came back on flashing again. Stacy stood on the staircase breathing heavily. "And wE haVe ouR winnEr!" Lenards exclaimed pulling a lever. The axe speed slowly went down to a stop. Nightmare let go of the axe running to Noah. He helped him up glancing at Stacy. "Now fOr the nExt chAlleNge!" Lenards exclaimed pulling a lever. The ground under Noah and Nightmare lifted up into a pillar. Lava rose following Stacy up the stairs. It stopped rising by the last 10 steps. Lenards smiling pulling another lever. The pillar Nightmare and Noah was on started spinning. "TrY to gEt to thE stAirs before tHe pIllaR coMpelEty dRopS" Lenards said making the gravel noticeable. There were target blocks under the gravel. Noah stood glancing around for a way. Stacy went to go walk up the stairs but stopped. Lenards met her at the top of the stairs. "You thOught it wAs that eaSy?" he asked. He held his mask using a wind gust to blast her back. "Oh no-" Stacy said falling back. Her foot barely touched the lava. Lenards giggled continuing to blast the wind gust. "RuNning oUt of tiMe!" he exclaimed pulling a lever. It dropped me and Addax down more. The ash hopped up on my tail. "Ow-" I said picking it up. "Okay so next pla-" Nightmare was cut off. "No, I'm steering this car this time" Noah said sternly. "Aww" Nightmare whined. He glanced around for things. He noticed a rope above them. He took out a bow pulling back the string. He shot hitting the hook. The rope fell down along with the arrow. A bag of sand fell down form the roof. Noah's eyes widened pulling Nightmare back. The bag hit the side of the pillar knocking the gravel down. "We have a smaller space now" Nightmare said a bit worried. "Not for long" Noah said standing again. He helped Nightmare up still holding his hand. "What do you me-" Nightmare was cut off. "This is a better plan" Noah said running off the pillar. "FUCK" Nightmare yelled getting pulled by Noah. Noah held onto the rope swinging. He held onto Nightmare still. "AND MY PLAN WAS BAD?!" Nightmare yelled glancing at the lava. "YES IT WAS DUMBASS" he yelled. He swung placing his foot on the pillar again. As it spun he kicked off hard swinging back. He moved his legs as if on a swing to gain momentum. "If you jump I swear to god" he said. "Just until we get close enough" Noah said. "WHAT?!" Nightmare yelled. "Which we are" Noah said smiling. "Noah no" Nightmare said sternly. Noah jumped off falling down. "CRAZY BI-" Nightmare yelled. "RELAX" he yelled back grabbing onto the pole. He stopped sliding holding Nightmare up. "Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck" Nightmare repeated. Noah let Nightmare down on his feet then slid down the pole. Nightmare stepped ont he glass blancing. "Addax push Summer to us" Noah said. "I already tried that, he pulled me back" I said keeping my feet up. "You can still try it now" Noah said. Addax kicked me in the back pushing me" I swung up getting nowhere near. I swung back hitting into Addax. "FUCK" he yelled wincing. The chains dropped more. "I swear to god" I said picking my feet up more. I was practically kneeing myself in the stomach. Noah sighed glancing around. Stacy was still holding on for dear life. Noah walk around the glass rim. "Wh-" Nightmare sighed just trusting the process. Noah snuck up going to swing at Lenards. He used his other arm to blast Noah back. He slid reaching the end of the rim. He tried to step foward but his foot dipped in lava. "OW" he yelled keeping his footing. "NigHtmare, loOk at tHis. Your meNtor is iN laVa. YoUr otHer one iS stRugGling not tO die. And tWo pEople aRe at thE verGe of dEath. So wHat's yoUr choicE?" Lenards asked. "What even are my choices" Nightmare muttered. "GiVe up yoursElf for otHers" Lenards responding smiling. "ThE onLy one wHo wOulDn't rEspawN is SummEr" he added giggling. Nightmare just glanced around thinking. The wind got stronger dipping Noah's leg in the lava now. He had already used his stop time. The chains dropped more basically having us right over the lava. Lenards kept the gusts of wind going as he stepped onto the glass rim. "It wOuld bE fun tO kill aLl of yOu" he said walking to Nightmare. He got out a sword holding it upwards. Nightmare got out his sword stepping back a bit. The lava on the outside rised being at the same level as the glass rim. Lenards ran going to swing. Their swords collided with each other. Lenards pushed Nightmare down applying more pressure to his sword. Nightmare sighed grabbing his mask. A line of purple fire went through Lenards. "I-" he said stumbling back. Nightmare pushed on his sword walking him to the edge. He grabbed Lenards mask off holding it above lava. "You're the only one dying" he said dropping the mask. Lenards eyes widened reaching out for it. Nightmare kicked him in the stomach pushing him over. Lenards fell into the lava sinking down. Nightmare ran to Noah helping him out. Noah limped over grabbing Stacy up. Nightmare went to the controls and glanced around. "These make no fucking sense" he said pausing. Noah groaned walking to the controls. He pulled the right levers putting everything to normal. The lava on the outside sank down and the pillar went down. The wire moved the chain closer to the rim. I was able to pull my arm out falling down. Noah helped me get my other arm free as Stacy helped Addax. "If I get kidnapped one more fucking time I'm ending it myself" I joked. "Maybe if you'd stop being stupid" Noah said sternly. "Hey" I said shaking my wrist in pain. "She kicked me like 100 times Noah" Addax said pouting. "I don't care" Noah said walking off. "UH- RUDE" he yelled. I just laughed at him shoving him. "DROP ME IN LAVA" he yelled following us.

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