Today Is A Dramatic Day

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After the whole incident I went to visit Ocean and Ivy. Afterwards I walked back home hella tired. I nudged open the door then walked in. Echo and Nightmare were sitting on the opposite couch. "Oh hey guys" I said. "Hey where have you been all day?" Echo blurted out after seeing Nightmare open his mouth. They looked awkward near each other like they were in some kind of competition. I brushed it off as I was too tired for this. "I went to visit Ocean and Ivy" I responded. "Oh how was that" Echo said in an awfully nice voice. Nightmare glared at her then rolled his eyes. I just looked between the two, "Good...". Echo noticed I was skeptical. "Oh don't mind him" she said going back to her book. I raised my eyebrows then sat down. "I'm gonna go to sleep guys" Nightmare said getting up. "Good night" he said kissing me on the head then went to the stairs. Echo's face went serious real quick. Nightmare smiled at her then walked upstairs. She rolled her eyes then rested her head. "Goodnight Echo" I said laying down. I fell asleep pretty quickly. Echo sighed as if thinking of something. A few hours passed and Echo got up. She went upstairs as she had a plan in her head. She snuck into Nightmare's room quietly. She slowly took the mask off the table then tiptoed back out. She walked outside just staring at the mask. She eventually reached a dead end. It was a crater built into a wall. "Hello Echo" a zombie said. "Do you guys know where this mask came from?" Echo asked throwing it on the table. A skeleton examined the mask. "So you still hanging out with the humans?" an enderman asked. "Yeah, I really like one of them" she said reaching for the mask. The skeleton pulled the mask out of her grasp. "You're not supposed to like them" they said. "They already beat the end so?" she said. "That's an exception" the enderman said sticking up for her. "Fine" the skeleton said looking at the mask. He turned the mask over looking at a symbol in it. "This mask is from the end" he said. "Really?" the zombie asked looking over the table. "But no human has reached the end" the enderman said. "And Nightmare had that mask before they went" she explained. "For how long?" the skeleton asked. "I'm not sure he's been in this world longer then I have" Echo responded. "But yeah this mask is tainted with ender stuff, magic I guess, and it has the symbol of Gwen" he said turning it over. "The only other person who's been to the end is that one guy...I saw him in the end he ended up dying though" the enderman explained. "He stole the mask of another enderman and it went from purple to red" he said. "Who was the guy?" Echo asked. "Some guy he had a sister" he said. "What do want with it though" the skeleton asked Echo. "I want to sort of...mess with it" she said, "this mask has a specific power, I'm not sure what but I wanna create an illusion". "It's gonna cost you" he said. "And why do you wanna do that?" the enderman asked. "The guy who owns it is a fucking pain in the ass." she said aggressively. "Ooh I like revenge on humans, I'll do it for free" he said. "Thanks Skelly" Echo said. "Don't call me that" he said. "Sorry-".

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