A Tricky Situation

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I woke up next to a tree. I slowly looked around questioning. I saw Echo sitting on the other side of the tree. I then remembered how I left the house last night. After the argument with Nightmare, I was way too angry to stay. "Hi" I said lying my head on the grass again. "Oh hey bitch" Echo said litting a flint and steel. I paused. "You okay after that whole thing" she asked. "Uhm yeah I guess" I responded sitting up. I ran my hand through my hair multiple times. She turned to me. "Hey I like your friend Wolfie though they're cool" she said. I chuckled then nodded, "Yeah-". I noticed how close we were sitting together. She paused then chuckled too. She lit the flint and steel again then blew it out. I sat back and scratched my head. Echo stood up then looked down at me. "A skeleton tried to kill you by the way. It had a weird hat on so I took it" she said handing it to me. I grabbed it then remembered that it was my hat. So that was the skeleton in the ravine. "Thanks" I said putting the hat in my bag. "Do you wanna go back?" she asked me. I thought for a while then shook my head. "Not really" I responded mumbling. She helped me up. "Stop sulking over a dumb guy, you could beat the end without hi- OW" she yelled holding her arm. "Are you okay?" I asked. She just nodded then stood quiet. "I think you should head back actually-" she said. "What?" I asked. "It's not safe for you to be with a mob there are consequences for certain things" she explained. "I'm not saying I agree with the stupid guy but there's a lot you don't know about this world that we can't tell you" she added. "But we hang out with Jk?" I asked. "That's cause he's a friendly mob" she responded. I didn't know what was happening honestly. I just sighed. She put my hair behind my ear then paused. I ended up kissing her. I didn't think of it, it was an impulse. She paused again then kissed me back.

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