A Gang vs Gang

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It's been two months by now, Jk and Nightmare are still adding new builds but it's practically done. There has been no sight of the guy so far and it's been pretty great. Harly has been gone for a long time though. She left to go mining and she hasn't been back since. Blade has been communicating with mobs and actually expanded the barn. I was sitting on the mountain with Sponge. I petted her while watching the view. I looked at all the progess we made, and I actually felt proud. Sponge's ears popped up and she looked on guard. I glanced over and didn't see anything. "What's wr-" in that moment a whistle sounded. An arrow flew at my head. I held Sponge and rolled out the way. My foot hit a loose rock and I slipped. Sponge ran away in fear. I walked back up so I wouldn't fall. Someone swung their sword at me. I dodged it then put my sword up and our swords collided with each other. This moment felt very familiar except it wasn't the same person. It was someone different and I didn't know why. "Who the fuck are you" I asked. He smiled. "Bishir, although I didn't need to tell you that" he answered. His voice itself already gave off red flags. I pushed my sword up trying to push him back, but he pushed against me again holding me in a dangerous situation. My foot was so close to slipping off the rock. I would die if that happened, and I couldn't bare that fact. Then the guy I fought two months ago showed up. He walked up behind Bishir and just stood there, staring at me. This whole situation itself made me frustated. I couldn't bare to look at his face anymore. I was full of disgust. Bishir pushed more on his sword and the rocks underneath my foot fell, I was fighting gravity at this point. "Can I just kill her now?" Bishir asked. "She refused to join our side so sure, be my quest" he responded. My eyes widened, I obviously didn't wanna die. "Alright then" Bishir said. I was now full of fear, I didn't know what to do. Bishir went to push me off the edge when he suddenly stopped. It happened way to fast. Nightmare ran into Bishir headbutting him out the way. My foot slipped but I caught onto the ledge just in time. The guy's eyes widened and he ran to push me off. I hopped around him and slid back. He stood at the ledge before quickly turning. Footsteps sounded behind Bishir. A man walked towards us. He was shorter then all of us. He looked really small but I wasn't gonna underestimate his strength. We all stood there. Knowing who our opponents were in this fight.

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