The gay, the simp, and the scholar.

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After talking for a bit I followed Nightmare to his house. He reminded me he lives with his siblings. He opened the door letting me in. I locked the door behind me then turned. Flamey and Aether were fighting in the living room. Sync was just standing by watching. Like when I noticed Nightmare their apperence seemed to glitch. It looked how they were in the world then back to normal. "SUM-" Aether yelled kicking Flamey off. "OW" Flamey yelled covering his face. He kicked Flamey off kicking him in the stomach. "YOU BITCH" he yelled tackling Aether again. Aether screeched hitting his head on the chair. "STOP FIGHTING" Nightmare yelled pulling Flamey off. "YOU FUCKING CHILD" Flamey yelled trying to kick Aether. I just stood there as awkward as Sync. "Well hi" Sync said waving. Aether got up but tripped over the chair dropping the table. "AETHER" Nightmare yelled going to help him. "Oh god" I said going to help them. "I'M OKAY" he yelled pushing the table off him. "You broke the bowl" Nightmare said sternly. "I'm not sorry" he said standing. "Should I throw the fruits out?- It was on the floor" I asked. "Eh, we'll just have dad eat  it" Nightmare said putting his hands on his hip. "Shove it down his throat" Flamey added. They high fived for a breif moment. "ANYWAYS UM- HI SUMMER" Aether yelled leaning but falling again. I just watched him fall glancing back at Nightmare. "How are you so clumsy" Flamey asked. "You're all weird" Sync said playing his game. I helped Aether up stepping back again. "T-Thanks" he said successfully leaning on the counter. "Stop eyeing her like that-" Nightmare said looking Aether up and down. "Hmph" he said walking past Nightmare. "That sure was...interesting" I said chuckling. "Just don't mind them" he said. "Just don't mind Aether" Flamey said watching Sync play. "I HEARD THAT" Aether yelled from his room. We spent most of the night hanging out. It was around 2am when we decided to sleep. I just layed there with Nightmare. I didn't wanna go home the next morning. But I also didn't wanna put a burden on Nightmare. He already has his siblings. His mom walked in opening the door wide. I accidently hit Nightmare again. "FU-" he yelled out but kept it in. "Good night guys!" his mom exclaimed walking out after. "I'M SORRY-" I yelled turning. He groaned turning to the side.

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