The New Gen Mask War

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    The next morning I woke up to the sound of fighting already. I groaned rolling on my back. I felt around noticing Nightmare wasn't there. My eyes quickly opened as panic ran through my viens. I quickly got up getting a simple outfit on then ran out with my sword.
    Everyone was running around as injured people were already being taken into infirmary tents. I glanced around for someone I trusted. I wanted to know what the hell was happening. I ran around camp trying not to disrupt anyone nearby. I found Echo giving orders to workers of the Main Mob Order. I ran up to her still in a panic. "What's going on?" I asked. "Electric and Earth Kingdom troops already started pushing, the main masks are fighting at the midpoint" she answered quickly. "Electric Kingdom? But they're on our side" I said concerned. "With Stacy gone Maylene took over. Members of the Board of Order already planned to overthrow Ella and Stacy for Aaron so they helped" she said, concern coming to her voice. I just sighed before walking off into the fields. "Where are you going?!" she asked. "To fight" I said, my face going serious. I ran past people coming into camp not thinking about what I was doing right now. I wanted to help, not be useless anymore.
    I got to the midpoint spotting everyone. Anton was fighting while Maylene watched in the background using water to fight. The main people were accounted for, but where was Jayne? The grass around me burnt down as I heard a slashing sound behind me. I quickly ducked rolling out the way. Jayne spun her sword glaring right at me. A smile slowly came to my face as I started chuckling. "Second round bitch." I said sternly getting on my feet. I gripped my sword tighter as Jayne took the first attack. She swung down at my bottom half as if analyzing my attacks. I hopped over but she blasted fire from the side. I jumped higher up grabbing ahold of her hair. I wrapped my legs around her back just pulling at her hair. She swung her sword carelessly coming at me from the side. I lifted my legs up pulling her back by her hair. I trapped her arm underneath her body as I just pinned her down. She yelled out as her shoulder came a bit out of place. I smiled applying more pressure on her arm. Her blade turned to fire under her as she spread it through the grass around me. I hopped back from the area as she quickly spun on her stomach. She rolled her shoulder making sure it doesnt dislocate. She swung a careless blast of fire at me just trying to do anything to win right now. She went to run ahead at me but three knives Reliane threw came for her. One hit her torso, the other hit her foot, and the last one pierced her arm. She winced in pain stumbling back. I ran forward applying pressure to the knife. She yelled again attempting to grab me. I pulled the knife out stabbing again then went for a third stab but my wrist was quickly grabbed. She breathed heavily keeping a grip on my wrist. "I'll have to thank Ace later for stopping Nightmare" she said smiling. She opened her eyes as they glew orange red. Anton smiled as well as more spikes came out the ground increasing his attack speed. My eyes widened a bit as fire pierced right at my torso. I almost rolled through the grass but found my footing sliding through the dirt. The heat overwhelmed my body knocking me to my knees. She dashed forward swinging at my side. She wasn't finishing this in one blow, she wanted to torture me. She cut me multiple times then charged fire at her boot kicking me back. All the grass in front of me burnt in the fire only leaving mud. I coughed out gasping for air. The combination of hard hits and fire caused too much damage. "Now I can do to you what your boyfriend did to me." she said chuckling. She grabbed me by my shirt getting me to my feet. She punched me with her left hand, each hit charging more fire. Her blade and right arm charged fire as well showing her anger and adrenaline. In the last punch she blasted me back giving me multiple burn marks. Before I could land she dashed forward getting to the finishing blow. "MOTHER FUCKER" Reliane yelled hopping on Jayne's back. Her expression barely changed as she just threw Reliane off. She slid through the dirt throwing knives at Jayne. The fire in her blade caught each one with a swing as she blasted them back to her. Reliane's eyes widened as she dodged each one. Jayne kicked her back as fire followed her through the grass. Aaron came down through a lightning bolt gently picking me up. "Their power was enhanced through batlle adrenaline, if you came a few minutes earlier fighting Jayne would be a good idea." she explained to me traveling back up to the sky. I just stared into the distance almost completely knocked out now. Aaron came down to the right side blasting multiple lightning bolts at Jayne and Anton. "Stay here" she said gently before getting back up to the sky. There wasn't really anywhere else I could go now I was basically immobilized. I slowly took deep breathes just watching the fights. Jayne was practically beating Reliane's ass and now Ella joined the fight. They were both holding out better then me but Jayne seemed more insane with this power enhance. Spikes came out of the ground targeting Nightmare and Noah. They both tried to get close to Anton but he wouldn't allow it. His eyes glew green as his speed increased with every attack. I spaced out a lot focusing on all the pain in my body. I couldn't even care to stop any bleeding just sat on my knees watching. Flowers bloomed in front of me catching my attention. I glanced sround as the grass around grew again blooming more and more flowers. Vines crawled up my body as the main one wrapped around my neck. My eyes widened as concern hit me fast. "Hello Summer~" said a voice from behind me. My breathing became heavier as panic settled in. "Oh my Jayne got you good" the person said running their fingers over my burn marks. I winced at her touch as my arm started to burn. "I don't intend to hurt you! You're clearly injured, so why don't I start conversation? I haven't seen you in a while, it's me Serena!" she exclaimed as if ignoring the fact everyones fighting right now. "S-Serena?" I asked confused. "Yes yes! Serena, it's a good sign that you're still aware of your surroundings. Truly a miracle" she said smiling. The green glow from her eyes blinded my peripheral vision causing me to glance away. "My my, I have power enhance so this fight might be equal" she said tapping her chin. "Why are you being so nice?" was the first thing I could ask out of the many questions I had. "Oh wow it's a suprise you're the one asking me that. You're the one who's always so nice!" she exclaimed trying to cheer the mood up. I feel like I've snapped a long time ago, if anyone still thinks I'm nice they must be in the past. "But if I must answer I'd say it's because I'm not crazy like the others right now! Jayne and Anton are fueled with battle while Maylene is blinded by a harmful cause. Notice how I haven't been involved in any of the raids or battles till now? I'm still sane and don't believe in this 'Order'. I'm only helping Maylene because she's my best friend! And I'll only fight if I have to, but I'll have to admit I'm not the best at combat" she explained frowning a little. It felt a little relieving that she was here right now. She might be an enemy but she's made me feel a lot better in this situation so far. A lightning bolt struck right at Serena but she pulled me back with her vines. Aaron carried herself in our direction noticing Serena now. "My my! I've angered Aaron" Serena said awkwardly smiling. "Step away." she said sternly charging up more lightning. "My apologies, I was just trying to make her feel better! I can see how I'd be posed a threat though" she said retracting her vines. "You're still an enemy" Aaron said not buying any of Serena's explanations. "Oh alright I guess the funs over. I hope you feel better Summer and you get out of this battlefield soon to be healed! Those vines should stop the bleeding for now" she said giving me a smile. I paused glancing around at myself. She had wrapped my cuts with thornless vines stopping the bleeding. "I said step away." Aaron repeated, shades of purple coming to her eyes as well. "Don't act so goody goody with this group Aaron. You harmed them too and you were on our side, I'm sorry Maylene betrayed you but you can't earn these people's trust so easily" Serena answered raising herself up to Aaron's level with vines. Her face became more serious then it usually is. "If you want a fight I'll give you one 'chief'!" Serena exclaimed lining the vines with thorns. Aaron glared at her before striking multiple lightning bolts at her. This had gone downhill extremely fast.

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