The Night Before (Short Chapter)

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I woke up with a raging headache. I felt a little better but it still hit me all at once. I was laying on my stomach, I put my hand out as support then paused. I had my hand on Nightmare's leg. I lifted my head and saw him laying under me. He had his mask on still. I hid my head in my shirt. I felt like dying right then and there. He pulled his mask off his head then paused as well. I sat back then cleared my throat. "Hi-" I said slouching down. "Hi" Nightmare said kind of calmly. There was an awkward sikence. "So um, what happened on the mountain?" he asked. "I ran into Bishir and Lenny" I responded. "Fu-" he was cut off. "I was fine Nightmare- I fought them off and escaped in time" I told him. "Fine" he said crossing his arms. I just laughed then patted his head. "I'M NOT A DOG" he said jokingly. I put his hair in a bun then sat back. "Your hair is really long" I said. He chuckled then let his hair down. "What time is it" I asked. "Night time" Nightmare responded looking at a clock. "My head still hurts and I wanna go back to sleep" I said. "Okay then-" Nightmare said. "Can I lay on you again?" I asked before pausing. What did I just ask? I swear this whole thing was throwing me off. "Uhm sure" Nightmare mumbled. I blushed then layed down. I turned on my back and rested my head. I felt awkward but it also felt comfortable. "Good night" I said. "Good night" Nightmare said dropping the mask over his face. I just smiled then closed my eyes.

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