Possibly a Death Mission

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Me, Nightmare, and Jk walked down to our underground area. We reached the nether portal room all ready. "You ready guys?" Nightmare asked. "Ready as ever" I said. "Mhm" Jk replied. "OKAY GO" Nightmare yelled running into the nether portal. The portal let out purple particles and Nightmare was gone. I glared at Jk then laughed. He gently smiled, "Good luck". He walked into the portal and more purple particles were let out. I took a deep breath and walked in. It felt like I was being taken out of the world, floating in an abyss. A quick flash showed and it seemed like a quick flashback I saw. I couldn't make it out and before I could think about it, I was back to reality. I stumbled out of the portal and caught my balance. "Whoa that was weird-" Nightmare said. "Very" Jk added. "Did any of you guys see the flashback thing??" I asked. "Yeah it felt like it was breaking from reality" Jk responded. "We shouldn't really think about it, just focus on our mission" Nightmare said reassuring us. My thoughts felt like they were flying again. "We'll be fine" Nightmare added as if he noticed I was feeling stressed in the moment. I nodded then looked around. "It's very....lava like" Jk said looking around with me. "Mhm, the nether is very scary" I said. "Well what are you guys waiting for?? LET'S GO" Nightmare exclaimed running out. "Oh god-" Jk said. I laughed and ran after Nightmare. We hopped around looking for blackstone. We finally found an area that had a bunch of blackstone. We were going to start mining until we noticed two very weird things. We hid behind small walls and watched from afar. A small paper fell from the sky and I caught it. "Ghasts! Creatures that are capable of shooting fire. They are actually very sensative creatures just trying to protect themselves!" it said. But they looked like two very humanlike people. "C'mon Deima I wanna kill someone" one of the ghasts whined. "No! As long as the people don't provoke us we shouldn't hurt them" the one named Deima exclaimed floating beside them. The other one groaned in frustration. Nightmare tried to move to see more. He ended up dipping his foot in lava. "FUCK!" he yelled in pain falling. "Nightmare-" I said slightly moving foward. Jk pulled me back still watching the ghasts. One turned their head then laughed. "This'll be FUN!" they yelled floating towards us. "No!" Deima yelled pulling the ghast back. They floated back far bracing for impact. Deima floated over to Nightmare and landed gently. "Are you okay??" she asked. Nightmare held his foot then nodded. "Yeah I'll b-" he looked up, "Whoa".

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