The Somewhat End (Long chapter)

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I woke up kind of late. My head felt better but the pain was still there. Nightmare was gone already. I got up to the main room and we all had a kind of normal morning. Today was the day though, we were gonna go to the end. In the afternoon we all stood at the hallway. "So this part is gonna be kind of fun" Nightmare said walking in. He turned to face us. "The person at the end of the line has the honor of setting off all the tnt traps" he explained. "ME" Wolfie yelled excited. "Of course-" Harly said. "Wouldn't we have to run through though if there's tnt exploding behind us" Matthew asked. "Yeah of course we wanna get there fast" Nightmare responded. Matthew rolled his eyes. We ran through the hallway all the way to the stronghold. The last tnt trap blew a crater into the hallway. Nightmare really didn't want anyone to follow us. Most of the rooms were closed off, the only way was to go to the portal room. Nightmare placed the last eye of ender into the portal. After everyone went in Nightmare place down another piece of tnt. "What're doing" I asked. "If we beat it first try we wont need the portal anymore" he responded. "Alright" I said standing. I walked backwards into the portal. Nightmare lit the tnt then fell back into the portal. It felt worse then going to the nether. The breaking of reality was way stronger and I could see clearer. The light cleared up and I saw a person. It kind of looked like me but more realistic. The house was different and it looked like a different world. So we were closer to the end then. My body was pulled back to reality and I fell on endstone. That caused my headache to hurt more. There was a built staircase leading up from the platform. I saw Nightmare come out of the portal as I got up. We both walked up the stairs. I paused in my tracks. The enderdragon wasn't a dragon, it was a person like Deima and Daniel. A way bigger person. She was pearched on an obsidian block. We came of with the plan of one person goes to each end crystal. I built up until I reached the top. I built a platform and a wall behind me. I shot an arrow at it as it blew up. It lit up the area with a light purple. I stepped off and fell down. I hit a shot at the dragon before placing down water underneath me. I landed as the stream pushed me to a block. We eventully blew up all the end crystals and all that was left was to fight the enderdragon. We didn't have to worry so much about endermen because of Blade. As I got closer I noticed that the dragon had a tag around their neck. It read "Gwen", I'm guessing that was her name. I kept the distance of shooting arrows. We waited till her health was low to use our swords. Matthew ran out with his sword ready to swing. He really wanted to get out of this world then. She flew up making Matthew miss. Nightmare gained more momentum and threw his sword. She yelled and flew back down. The sky lit up with a purple and pink light. As Nightmare went to land Matthew accidently rammed into him. "OW" he yelled. "That was the most unorginized shit I've ever seen" Blade said jokingly. Wolfie laughed obnoxiously at Nightmare falling. In the space under the obsidian block a portal type substance appeared. "Do we go in here?" Nightmare asked. "I guess" I said looking into it. "Summer you go first-" Nightmare said sitting behind Matthew. I rolled my eyes, "Fine". I walked into it as everything went dark.

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