Training starts now

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I was sitting on Nightmare's couch just laying there tired. Nightmare was across the room checking his chests to make sure there was no thief. "I'm overdo for a nap" I said yawning. Nightmare stood up closing the chest lid "Well there's a lot about this world you don't know about". "Ugh, I forgot about that" I said sitting up. Nightmare sat on the couch across from me. "So let me know everything that you know" I said, now intrigued in knowing. "Well the basics are you have to try and survive until you beat this thing called the ender dragon" Nightmare started explaning. "This world is basically a speedrun but I've died once so I lost my diamonds" he said, "Never made it to the nether once". "Hmm" I said fascinated. "I can explan more as we go along because there's a lot to explain" he added. "Now that I know there's people though and you can help me" he said more confident. I smiled at his courage. I was still really confused but glad I had someone who knew how to fight on my side. During the week me and Nightmare trained. He taught me to shoot, sword fight, and weaknesses to mobs. I flopped onto the ground tired. "C'mon, you can't take a nap in the middle of a fight" he said keeping his stance. "Fine" I said getting up again and shooting an arrow at him. He dodged it and while he was focused on the arrow, I swung at the handle of his sword and knocked it out of his hand. "Whoa" he said stepping back. I picked up his sword and pointed it at him, "Hah". "Okay don't get too cocky" he said taking his sword back. I laughed and put my sword on my back. "Let's go inside now though" Nightmare said opening the door. I ran inside and flopped on the couch. "You realize you can't sleep unless your in a bed right" Nightmare said. "But you only have one bed and two pieces of wool" I said looking up at him. "Fine make it work" he said running up the stairs. "I will" I said laying on the couch still. The sun went down and the lady started speaking like she does every night. I sat up then flopped back down onto the couch. I layed there and I fell straight to sleep again.

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