Ode To An Odd Morning (Short chapter)

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The next morning I was sitting at the table. I was somewhat terrified about last night. I hadn't sleep last night so I was exhausted. Nightmare yawned and woke up. He stretched a bit before getting up. He noticed he was downstairs then looked around. "Good morning" I said sturring the milk into the coffee. "Hey Summer, why am I downstairs again?" he asked confused. "You fell asleep last night so I decided to leave you there to sleep" I responded kind of blandly. "Oh well thanks" he said standing. I took a sip of coffee and tdied to boost my energy up. I didn't wanna explain what happened. "I'm probably gonna head to the nether" Nightmare said. I had completely forgoten about Deima and Daniel. Before I could think I blurted out "Got a little crush there huh?". Nightmare turned to look at me. "What are you talking about- No I just think they're cool" he responded. I just laughed. "Why? What would it matter to you anyways" Nightmare said jokingly. I paused and almost spit out my coffee. He laughed, "I'm just joking". I nodded then wiped my face. "Well see ya Summer" he said putting his jacket on. I gulped then nodded again, "Bye Nightmare". He walked out and closed the door behind him. I just started thinking again. I really needed to get my mind off of it.

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