He's Backk

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Soon enough Iina started the exorcism. I just sat on the couch not knowing what to do. I sighed finally getting up. I looked through the bag with the loot. I grabbed a box of the blonde dye slowly glancing over at the scissors. I just smiled grabbing it then running upstairs.
        Around 8 hours passed while waiting for the dye to dry. I found other things to keep me busy while I waited. I took the hair cover off and dried it. I cut and styled it before it was finally finished. It felt weird having short hair but I liked it. An odd noise sounded from outside. I didn't think nothing of it at first until it continued. Confused now I slowly went downstairs to check it out. I walked outside glancing around the yard. I stepped down to get a better view. A man from a far was digging dirt up. A second came out of the shadows holding a box, "TNT". My eyes widened as I grabbed a bow off the wall. I slammed the door behind me aiming the bow. I let go of the string getting a hit on kne of them. They finally noticed me starting to run. I ran after them trying to align another shot. They both ran behind the trees causing me to miss. I threw the bow to the side running after them. I used the trees as a boost then climbed onto one of the branches. I tree hopped to keep up with the two of them. I got ready to jump back down but the branch underneath ended up snapping. I grabbed on to the next one quickly dropping down. I lost a bit of speed but attempted to keep up. I grabbed the closest thing I could chucking it at the two. One of them hopped to avoid it tripping over the vines. I caught up flipping him over. "Henry?" I asked confused. Before I knew it I was hit back by a sword. I slid through the leaves holding the cut on my arm. Lenny showed himself trying to help Henry up. I ran ahead grabbing Lenny by the neck. I kicked him in the back trying to pull him down. "SHIT-" he blurted out trying to pull me off. I used the tree to turn him around and slam his head into the bark. I again tried to bring him down using his weight against him. Henry came from behind throwing me off. I hit my head against one of the trees falling to the floor. I just groaned getting back to my feet. He grabbed Lenny's sword putting it to my neck. I layed back down trying not to touch the blade. "You really are fucking ugly. My son has the worst taste" he said looking me up and down. I just glared at him frustrated. "I was gonna use this TNT on your ugly ass house but eh" he said grabbing out flint and steel. He dropped the sword grabbing out the TNT. I pushed myself up kicking him down. He groaned setting the TNT on fire. My eyes widened as I tried to push it away. It set off quickly creating a cloud of smoke around the three of us. All I heard was ringing as I became unaware of my surroundings. I noticed a flash of purple in the cloud of grey. My eyes just narrowed as I tried to see it more. I felt myself being picked up and the flash of purple was more noticeable. The grey was cleared up as I landed on the ground. "What the hell was that?" Nightmare asked glamcing at me. I just groaned hanging my head back. "Your dad is a nightmare" I mumbled sighing. He just chuckled nodding. "He really is" he responded nodding more. I blinked my eyes open glancing up. A figure came from the smoke holding a chunk of wood. My eyes widened as I went to move Nightmare out of the way. Henry swung down close to hitting us both. He suddenly stopped moving, in fact everything stopped. I attempted to move my hand out from under Nightmare but I couldn't. I could just look around, time stop. Another figure came from out of the smoke. "It's pretty pathetic to attack your own son don't you think?" the figure asked stopping beside Henry. He slowly glanced up as his eyes widened. "Because I think so" Noah answered grabbing the piece of tree from him. Time quickly resumed as Henry fell on top of me. I quickly kicked him off pulling Nightmare away. "I'm sure you're unaware of the fact if you inflict death upon yourself you leave this world forever Henry." he said stepping in front of him. "What?" Henry asked terrfied. "I mean I think it's time for you to check-out" he answered smiling. A broken branch fell from above hitting Henry right on the head. I just flinched bringing myself closer to Nightmare. "Good god he was fucking annoying." Noah mumbled sighing. He threw the cloak off revealing his torn up suit. "How are you here?-" Nightmare asked confused. "How are you here?" I asked pointing at Nightmare. "Oh the exorcism ended early and simpler since we were both willing to make it work" he explained quickly. "Excorism?" Noah asked confused. "That's- A long explanation, um. Answer my question first?" Nightmare asked. "Well, when I woke up after literally dying I was in a hospital bed. A woman who looked shockingly similar to Stacy was in the same room as me. The doctor's explained I had been in a coma for 7 months. So I got checked out of the hospital and went back into town, found Historia's science center where I also found Echo. Explained the whole concept of this, world to me. So she gave me some of the serum and I've hid out in Time City since then" he explained. "There's a Time City??" I asked shocked. "Mhm, I didn't know either. It's population is actually higher then Earth City and Gem Kingdom combined. Shocking right?" he asked rubbing his chin. "Well thanks for..killing my dad- I've been wanting him dead in either world" Nightmare said smiling. "That guy was really your dad? He's so..odd." Noah said annoyed. "Yep, that's my dad" Nightmare replied helping me up. "Worst then my dad" Noah said groaning. "Really wish I had a different one but- Can't change that" he said shrugging. "I mean you could have an adoptive father" Noah answered. "Who'd wanna adopt me? I'm over 18" Nightmare said chuckling a bit. "You have siblings that are minors correct?" Noah asked tilting his head. "Yeah, but still. What would you wanna adopt them?" Nightmare asked jokingly. "I mean sure-" Noah blurted out before realizing what he just said. Nightmare just paused glaring at him. "You'd wanna adopt us?" he asked again raising an eyebrow. Noah just stuttered not sure what to say next. I just glanced between them a bit confused. "Aww Noah would wanna be my dadd" Nightmare joked to annoy him. Noah just groaned face palming. "You're the only..child I've actually passed knowledge to." he finally answered. "I mean I'd rather have you as a dad then that ugly bastard any day so" Nightmare said shrugging. "Soo, are you guys just. Father and son now?" I asked confused. Nightmare smiled before cheering out. "DADOAH" he yelled putting his hands up. "If we're going to do this don't ever call me that." he said sternly. "Dadoah" Nightmare whispered smiling. "What about Lenny? Please tell me you killed him too" I said. "He's just unconscious, we can leave him" Noah answered crossing his arms. "As your first act as father I want to go to Time City" Nightmare said. "Don't push it." Noah said sternly before walking off. He just laughed running after Noah.

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