Mask group 1 (part 2)

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Addax led us to the village nearby. It was your average village but with advancements. The houses were more modern and the farms were better put together. There were still villagers nearby as well. There was a small bunker on the outside of the village. The sign above it read "Addax's mancave". There was a guy helping a villager farm. "Sup Rein" he said walking to the farm. Rein turned noticing us. He fell down hiding behind the wood. "Why'd you bring strangers!" he exclaimed harshly. "Well you know Echo" Addax said pointing. "I've never been more insulted in my life" Aether said crossing his arms. Nightmare pushed him again. "Hi.." Rein said slightly waving. A girl walked up to the farm from behind. She had an overdone pink outfit with the mask Addax described. "Now now it's alright Rein!" she exclaimed patting him on the head. "And this is Stacy" Addax said. "Echo! Hello" Stacy said smiling. "Soo, kind of waiting on more of an explanation" Nightmare said. Echo rolled her eyes then sighed. "I've been in this world for a while and this is the first group I've hung out with, along with Hela and iina" she explained. "Do they-" Addax trailed off. Echo shook her head pointing at me. I just glanced between them confused. "Also Nightmare you're not special for having that stupid mask, Stacy has it as well and many other groups do as well" Echo explained. "Oh! Another mask holder" Stacy said. "Y-Y'know I have a mask too" Aether said pushing Nightmare. Nightmare just glared at him annoyed. Aether smiled leaning on his shoulder. "You remember when they said you weren't special for having a mask" Nightmare said. "They were talking to you" Aether responded. "Also applies to you cause you're not special" he said. "I AM TOO SPEACIAL" Aether yelled standing up straight. "So, do you know your individual power?" Stacy asked Nightmare. "U-Um n-no I don't k-know what that is-" he said stuttered. "Wafer thin ice" I said crossing my arms. Nightmare sighed crossing his arms again. "Oh lord, well I could help you! You seem kind of behind on training" Stacy offered. "No" Echo said. "Yes, ignore her she's having a bad day" Nightmare said. "WHA-" Echo yelled. "Now what is "individual power" exactly?" Nightmare asked. "For every individual person that owns a mask they have their own power. I have electricity and...the old mask owner I used to be friends with can control time" Stacy explained crossing her arms. "O-Oh that's cool, so when do I get mine?" Nightmare asked. "I'm not exactly sure. I can't say the exact time for it's different for everyone! You get it?" she asked. Nightmare nodded calculating it in his head. "So let's say, I help you train until you do unlock it!" she exclaimed. "I think you should gake it to be honest, it sounds like a good opportunity " I said to Nightmare. "Aether could probably learn too" I said. Aether paused glancing away. "There's no way I'm getting my past involved with my present" Echo said annoyed. "Echo you can't let what happened get to you! You can't say you haven't missed us" Rein said. "I don't" Addax said. "Of course you don't, and I don't miss you either." Echo snapped back. "I'll take it" Nightmare said confident. "CAN I TAKE IT TOO" Aether yelled leaning on Nightmare. "GET OFF ME" he yelled as they starting fighting. Stacy chuckled nervously a bit concerned about them. We stood for a bit talking until a nether portal appeared randomly. It was close to night time anyways. Hela walked out of the portal glancing at us. "Hela!" Stacy exclaimed getting up. "Hello Stacy!" Hela exclaimed accepting her hug breifly. "You're definitely explaining to us who the hell these people are when we get home" I said to Echo. "I DON'T HAVE TO" she yelled sticking out her tounge. "I finally got the glitch under control and I saw you guys met again. I created this portal that leads to another one leading back to your base. Like a teleporter! Stacy's group brings no harm so it's fine to have this" Hela explained to us. "FINALLY I'M TIRED OF ADDAX" Echo yelled stomping to the portal. "CRY ABOUT IT" Addax yelled back. I put an arm around Nightmare walking to the portal with Aether. "PEACE" Echo yelled running into the portal. "It was nice meeting you guys!" I exclaimed waving. "I look foward to seeing you guys again!" Stacy exclaimed back. We went into the portal heading back. Hela sighed turning to them. "What glitch?" Stacy asked glancing at Hela. "Our new enemies seem to be quite the threat" Hela said gently. "Well, our new allies seem to be special as well" Stacy said. Hela nodded along smiling. "They are, Nightmare and Summer and quite the people and you'll see that soon" she said before leaving.

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