We have got to move

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I woke up still holding Sponge in my arms. Nightmare was still asleep, I didn't really wanna get up. We already beat the enderdragon so what else was there to do? I gently pet Sponge turning on my side a little. An hour passed as I just layed there. Nightmare yawned finally getting up. He moved his leg kicking me. "OW" I yelled. "SORRY-" he said sitting up. My head fell onto the bed. Sponge scooted back because of the noise. She hopped off the bed just watching us. I sat up as well pulling the blanket with me. "I forgot you were there" Nightmare said calming down. "Mhmm" I said sarcastically. A sharp bell started ringing. I covered my ears quick. "WHAT THE FUCK" Nightmare said getting up. He pushed the door open covering his ears. I followed him starting to get a headache again. We walked outside, Bishir and Lenny were standing on the mountain. "WE SEE YOU GUYS GOT YOUR SHIT FIXED" Bishir yelled out. "AND YOU DIDN'T" I yelled back. Nightmare shot an arrow hitting the bell out of Lenny's hand. It stopped ringing and fell off the mountain. "WE'RE GONNA BE THE FIRST ONES TO BEAT THE END YOU'LL SEE" Bishir yelled. "We already did" Nightmare said. "HA" I said trying to make them mad. "WHAT??" Lenny said. Bishir shot an arrow at us. It hit something before it even reached us. There was a somewhat force field protecting our base from them. I stuck my tounge out at them knowing they were getting frustrated. They threw a fireball at us but once again the thing blocked them. "TOUGH TITTIES AS SOMEONE TOLD ME" I yelled at them. I then saw someone in the shadow behind them. It was Flamey watching us from afar. I smiled then yelled more, "TOUGH FUCKING TITTIES". Lenny stomped then walked away. Bishir glanced back at him then glared at us before following him. Flamey walked back into the dark vanishing. I laughed proud of myself for some reason. I glanced at Nightmare wondering why he was quiet. He had his mask over his face. I kind of wondered where the mask came from and what it did. Fast enough it was night time again. I slept with Nightmare again. I decided to shift back to the real world. I didn't really know how, but I guess I was gonna figure it out.

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